Note Analysis
Near notes ("family meeting" statistics part I)
Sorted by value, combination and "nearness" (notes apart).
| Notes apart | Days apart | Value | Combo | First date | Second date | First location | Second location | First comment | Second comment |
| 0 | 53 |  | E/L | 16.06.2007 | 08.08.2007 | Tienen | Herve | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | Fortis Banque |
| 0 | 3 |  | E/L | 20.02.2007 | 23.02.2007 | Haacht | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 0 | 243 |  | E/L | 14.06.2007 | 12.02.2008 | Hoegaarden | Comines | Fortis Bank | Fortis Banque |
| 0 | 195 |  | E/L | 21.02.2007 | 05.09.2007 | Schaffen | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 1 | 187 |  | E/L | 08.12.2006 | 14.06.2007 | Kermt | Tielt-Winge | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 1 | 64 |  | E/L | 06.02.2007 | 11.04.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 2 | 150 |  | E/L | 06.01.2007 | 06.06.2007 | Vilvoorde | Leuven | Fortis Bank Vilvoord.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 2 | 162 |  | E/L | 11.06.2007 | 20.11.2007 | Diest | Hamme-Mille | Fortis Bank | Fortis Banque |
| 2 | 4 |  | E/L | 14.12.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 2 | 89 |  | E/L | 05.09.2007 | 03.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 2 | 77 |  | E/L | 05.12.2006 | 21.02.2007 | Leuven | Schaffen | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. | Fortis Bank |
| 3 | 193 |  | E/L | 18.07.2007 | 28.01.2008 | Heverlee | Herent | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 3 | 168 |  | E/L | 30.05.2007 | 15.11.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 3 | 78 |  | E/L | 18.04.2007 | 05.07.2007 | Schaffen | Andenne | saved from destructi.. | Fortis Banque |
| 4 | 218 |  | E/L | 04.04.2007 | 08.11.2007 | Hasselt | Leuven | KBC Bank Hasselt-Run.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 4 | 119 |  | E/L | 06.06.2007 | 03.10.2007 | Leuven | Herent | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 4 | 76 |  | E/L | 21.12.2006 | 08.03.2007 | Leuven | Wilsele | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
| 4 | 171 |  | E/L | 09.01.2007 | 29.06.2007 | Wilsele | Leuven | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 5 | 217 |  | E/L | 31.10.2006 | 05.06.2007 | Brussel | Averbode | Fortis Bank Brussel-.. | Fortis Bank |
| 5 | 157 |  | E/L | 02.01.2007 | 09.06.2007 | Heverlee | Averbode | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank |
| 5 | 135 |  | E/L | 05.06.2007 | 18.10.2007 | Diest | Korbeek-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 6 | 106 |  | E/L | 06.08.2007 | 20.11.2007 | Zaventem | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 6 | 206 |  | E/L | 06.02.2007 | 31.08.2007 | Heverlee | Tienen | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 6 | 41 |  | E/L | 07.11.2007 | 19.12.2007 | Leuven | Korbeek-Lo | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 7 | 230 |  | E/L | 20.06.2007 | 05.02.2008 | Averbode | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 7 | 2 |  | E/L | 20.03.2007 | 22.03.2007 | Nossegem | Aarschot | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. |
| 7 | 1 |  | E/L | 26.02.2007 | 27.02.2007 | Aarschot | Diest | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | brand new bill - For.. |
| 7 | 99 |  | E/L | 21.02.2007 | 01.06.2007 | Schaffen | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 7 | 35 |  | E/L | 01.02.2008 | 07.03.2008 | Herent | Tienen | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 7 | 21 |  | E/L | 07.06.2007 | 28.06.2007 | Schaffen | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 8 | 142 |  | E/L | 06.06.2007 | 26.10.2007 | Leuven | Tienen | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 8 | 52 |  | E/L | 13.04.2007 | 05.06.2007 | Diest | Averbode | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 8 | 27 |  | E/L | 13.04.2007 | 11.05.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 9 | 121 |  | E/L | 07.03.2007 | 07.07.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
* | 9 | 436 |  | E/L | 14.03.2007 | 24.05.2008 | Schaffen | Zonhoven | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 9 | 198 |  | E/L | 26.02.2007 | 12.09.2007 | Aarschot | Leuven | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | Patisserie Alexandre.. |
| 9 | 30 |  | E/L | 07.12.2006 | 06.01.2007 | Leuven | Grimbergen | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 10 | 140 |  | E/L | 20.03.2007 | 07.08.2007 | Nossegem | Bertem | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 10 | 2 |  | E/L | 18.12.2007 | 20.12.2007 | Kessel-Lo | Leuven | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
* | 10 | 98 |  | E/L | 29.02.2008 | 06.06.2008 | Tienen | Wellen | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | KBC Bank |
| 10 | 8 |  | E/L | 15.05.2007 | 24.05.2007 | Korbeek-Lo | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 10 | 303 |  | E/L | 30.01.2007 | 29.11.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 10 | 181 |  | E/L | 05.09.2007 | 04.03.2008 | Leuven | Schaffen | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 10 | 143 |  | E/L | 12.06.2007 | 02.11.2007 | Leuven | Kapelle-op-den-Bos | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 11 | 48 |  | E/L | 05.09.2007 | 23.10.2007 | Leuven | Mechelen | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. |
| 11 | 99 |  | E/L | 03.07.2007 | 11.10.2007 | Kuringen | Wilsele | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
| 11 | 169 |  | E/L | 30.01.2007 | 18.07.2007 | Mechelen | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 11 | 18 |  | E/L | 29.11.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Leuven | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 11 | 122 |  | E/L | 16.02.2007 | 18.06.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 11 | 89 |  | E/L | 23.02.2007 | 24.05.2007 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 12 | 195 |  | E/L | 16.11.2006 | 30.05.2007 | Leuven | Hofstade | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 12 | 4 |  | E/L | 11.05.2007 | 16.05.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 12 | 92 |  | E/L | 06.06.2007 | 06.09.2007 | Leuven | Kortenberg | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 12 | 22 |  | E/L | 05.02.2007 | 28.02.2007 | Diest | Veerle | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 12 | 66 |  | E/L | 19.02.2007 | 26.04.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 13 | 85 |  | E/L | 18.12.2007 | 12.03.2008 | Kessel-Lo | Hamme-Mille | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Fortis Banque |
| 13 | 53 |  | E/L | 14.06.2007 | 06.08.2007 | Hoegaarden | Steenokkerzeel | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 15 | 140 |  | E/L | 04.07.2007 | 21.11.2007 | Schaffen | Schaffen | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 15 | 46 |  | E/L | 27.10.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Hasselt | Leuven | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 16 | 118 |  | E/L | 14.06.2007 | 11.10.2007 | Halen | Wilsele | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank Wilsele-Put.. |
| 16 | 68 |  | E/L | 24.05.2007 | 31.07.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 16 | 84 |  | E/L | 24.01.2007 | 18.04.2007 | Leuven | Schaffen | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | saved from destructi.. |
* | 16 | 526 |  | E/L | 14.12.2006 | 23.05.2008 | Kessel-Lo | Glabbeek | brand new bill - For.. | Fortis Bank |
| 16 | 104 |  | E/L | 03.01.2007 | 17.04.2007 | Diest | Aarschot | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. |
| 17 | 341 |  | E/L | 12.01.2007 | 20.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 17 | 145 |  | E/L | 30.08.2007 | 23.01.2008 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 17 | 342 |  | E/L | 23.02.2007 | 01.02.2008 | Diest | Herent | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 18 | 61 |  | E/L | 22.11.2007 | 23.01.2008 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 18 | 27 |  | E/L | 09.01.2007 | 05.02.2007 | Wilsele | Diest | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank |
| 18 | 27 |  | E/L | 22.03.2007 | 18.04.2007 | Aarschot | Schaffen | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | saved from destructi.. |
| 18 | 6 |  | E/L | 18.01.2007 | 25.01.2007 | Heverlee | Overijse | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank |
* | 18 | 575 |  | E/L | 25.10.2006 | 23.05.2008 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 18 | 236 |  | E/L | 16.05.2007 | 08.01.2008 | Leuven | Herent | Hema Warenhuis | Fortis Bank Herent-S.. |
| 18 | 183 |  | E/L | 18.06.2007 | 19.12.2007 | Diest | Korbeek-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 18 | 362 |  | E/L | 23.02.2007 | 21.02.2008 | Tienen | Wezemaal | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 19 | 180 |  | E/L | 15.06.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Tienen | Leuven | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 20 | 29 |  | E/L | 21.05.2007 | 20.06.2007 | Diest | Averbode | brand new bill - unc.. | Fortis Bank |
| 20 | 203 |  | E/L | 27.10.2007 | 18.05.2008 | Alken | Hasselt | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 21 | 249 |  | E/L | 14.05.2007 | 19.01.2008 | Scherpenheuvel | Korbeek-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 21 | 6 |  | E/L | 19.02.2007 | 26.02.2007 | Leuven | Aarschot | brand new bill - For.. | brand new bill - For.. |
| 21 | 30 |  | E/L | 10.04.2007 | 11.05.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 21 | 212 |  | E/L | 16.05.2007 | 14.12.2007 | Kumtich | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 21 | 252 |  | E/L | 03.07.2006 | 13.03.2007 | Kermt | Diest | brand new bill - unc.. | Fortis Bank |
| 21 | 106 |  | E/L | 29.01.2007 | 16.05.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 21 | 327 |  | E/L | 16.12.2006 | 08.11.2007 | Kessel-Lo | Leuven | brand new bill - Col.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 22 | 146 |  | E/L | 24.07.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Mechelen | Herent | KBC Bank Mechelen-Ce.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 22 | 145 |  | E/L | 08.12.2006 | 02.05.2007 | Herk-de-Stad | Schaffen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 23 | 187 |  | E/L | 30.05.2007 | 04.12.2007 | Heverlee | Diest | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank |
| 23 | 70 |  | E/L | 14.06.2007 | 23.08.2007 | Hoegaarden | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 24 | 44 |  | E/L | 24.05.2007 | 07.07.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Groente- en Fruitkra.. |
| 24 | 88 |  | E/L | 25.07.2007 | 22.10.2007 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 24 | 87 |  | E/L | 10.08.2007 | 05.11.2007 | Leuven | Mechelen | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | KBC Bank Mechelen-Br.. |
| 24 | 187 |  | E/L | 08.12.2006 | 14.06.2007 | Kermt | Tielt-Winge | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 24 | 162 |  | E/L | 18.01.2007 | 29.06.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 25 | 1 |  | E/L | 29.11.2006 | 30.11.2006 | Paal | Wilsele | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
| 25 | 1 |  | E/L | 26.02.2007 | 27.02.2007 | Aarschot | Diest | brand new bill - For.. | brand new bill - For.. |
| 26 | 51 |  | E/L | 10.07.2007 | 30.08.2007 | Sint-Pieters-Leeuw | Leuven | Delitraiteur Superma.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 26 | 13 |  | E/L | 11.10.2007 | 24.10.2007 | Wilsele | Kraainem | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank |
* | 27 | 259 |  | E/L | 13.09.2007 | 29.05.2008 | Heverlee | Hückelhoven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Kreissparkasse Heins.. |
| 27 | 264 |  | E/L | 14.06.2007 | 04.03.2008 | Tielt-Winge | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 27 | 121 |  | E/L | 20.03.2007 | 19.07.2007 | Nossegem | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 27 | 179 |  | E/L | 25.08.2006 | 20.02.2007 | Wilsele | Wilsele | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
* | 27 | 495 |  | E/L | 25.01.2007 | 03.06.2008 | Kessel-Lo | Krefeld | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Sparkasse Krefeld - .. |
| 28 | 124 |  | E/L | 10.08.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
* | 28 | 94 |  | E/L | 20.02.2008 | 24.05.2008 | Heverlee | Zonhoven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | KBC Bank |
| 29 | 80 |  | E/L | 13.11.2007 | 02.02.2008 | Korbeek-Lo | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 29 | 7 |  | E/L | 17.01.2007 | 25.01.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 29 | 48 |  | E/L | 01.06.2007 | 19.07.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 29 | 6 |  | E/L | 06.01.2007 | 13.01.2007 | Grimbergen | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 29 | 13 |  | E/L | 21.05.2007 | 04.06.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 30 | 268 |  | E/L | 20.03.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 30 | 27 |  | E/L | 20.11.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Heverlee | Herent | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 30 | 467 |  | E/L | 06.02.2007 | 18.05.2008 | Heverlee | Hasselt | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 32 | 146 |  | E/L | 05.10.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Kampenhout | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 32 | 6 |  | E/L | 19.02.2007 | 26.02.2007 | Leuven | Aarschot | brand new bill - For.. | brand new bill - For.. |
| 32 | 14 |  | E/L | 21.03.2007 | 04.04.2007 | Schaffen | Schaffen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 33 | 132 |  | E/L | 08.06.2007 | 18.10.2007 | Leuven | Korbeek-Lo | brand new bill - unc.. | Fortis Bank |
| 33 | 393 |  | E/L | 17.01.2007 | 15.02.2008 | Tielt-Winge | Watermaal-Bosvoorde | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Watermaa.. |
| 33 | 343 |  | E/L | 20.03.2007 | 26.02.2008 | Nossegem | Herent | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 33 | 32 |  | E/L | 13.04.2007 | 16.05.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 33 | 118 |  | E/L | 04.04.2007 | 31.07.2007 | Hasselt | Diest | KBC Bank Hasselt-Run.. | Fortis Bank |
| 34 | 106 |  | E/L | 25.01.2007 | 11.05.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 36 | 57 |  | E/L | 06.08.2007 | 03.10.2007 | Zaventem | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 36 | 71 |  | E/L | 24.05.2007 | 03.08.2007 | Leuven | Werchter | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 36 | 82 |  | E/L | 04.12.2007 | 25.02.2008 | Diest | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 37 | 86 |  | E/L | 05.09.2007 | 30.11.2007 | Leuven | Tienen | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 37 | 117 |  | E/L | 16.02.2007 | 14.06.2007 | Diest | Hoegaarden | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 37 | 146 |  | E/L | 24.08.2006 | 18.01.2007 | Kessel-lo | Leuven | new bill - Dexia Ban.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 38 | 84 |  | E/L | 10.08.2007 | 02.11.2007 | Leuven | Kapelle-op-den-Bos | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 38 | 119 |  | E/L | 29.10.2006 | 26.02.2007 | Leuven | Aarschot | Panos Broodjesbar | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. |
| 38 | 113 |  | E/L | 23.01.2007 | 16.05.2007 | Kuringen | Diest | McDonalds Restaurant.. | Fortis Bank |
| 38 | 121 |  | E/L | 15.05.2007 | 13.09.2007 | Leuven | Herent | Quick Restaurant | Dexia Bank |
| 40 | 35 |  | E/L | 12.01.2007 | 16.02.2007 | Leuven | Blanden | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. | Fortis Bank |
| 40 | 137 |  | E/L | 15.03.2007 | 31.07.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 40 | 97 |  | E/L | 30.06.2007 | 05.10.2007 | Leuven | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 40 | 92 |  | E/L | 15.01.2007 | 18.04.2007 | Blanden | Halen | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 41 | 42 |  | E/L | 25.07.2007 | 06.09.2007 | Leuven | Kortenberg | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 41 | 14 |  | E/L | 15.11.2007 | 29.11.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 41 | 93 |  | E/L | 03.10.2007 | 05.01.2008 | Leuven | Alken | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 42 | 231 |  | E/L | 25.07.2007 | 12.03.2008 | Leuven | Overijse | KBC Bank Leuven-Sint.. | Dexia Bank |
| 42 | 25 |  | E/L | 23.02.2007 | 21.03.2007 | Tienen | Tielt-Winge | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 42 | 188 |  | E/L | 02.08.2007 | 07.02.2008 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 43 | 150 |  | E/L | 30.05.2007 | 27.10.2007 | Hofstade | Hasselt | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
* | 43 | 386 |  | E/L | 10.05.2007 | 30.05.2008 | Leuven | Aachen | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 44 | 61 |  | E/L | 07.06.2007 | 07.08.2007 | Schaffen | Bertem | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 44 | 16 |  | E/L | 17.07.2007 | 02.08.2007 | Heverlee | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 44 | 23 |  | E/L | 18.07.2007 | 10.08.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Moughal Dagwinkel |
| 44 | 208 |  | E/L | 19.07.2007 | 12.02.2008 | Leuven | Ieper | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Ieper-Ce.. |
| 44 | 116 |  | E/L | 09.06.2007 | 03.10.2007 | Averbode | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 44 | 118 |  | E/L | 23.11.2006 | 21.03.2007 | Diest | Tielt-Winge | Fortis Bank - from a.. | Fortis Bank |
| 45 | 319 |  | E/L | 21.12.2006 | 06.11.2007 | Leuven | Wezemaal | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 46 | 133 |  | E/L | 18.07.2007 | 29.11.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 46 | 90 |  | E/L | 21.02.2007 | 22.05.2007 | Schaffen | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 46 | 22 |  | E/L | 06.01.2007 | 29.01.2007 | Grimbergen | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 46 | 138 |  | E/L | 21.03.2007 | 07.08.2007 | Schaffen | Bertem | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 46 | 265 |  | E/L | 08.06.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Aarschot | Werchter | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | KBC Bank |
| 47 | 303 |  | E/L | 18.07.2007 | 16.05.2008 | Heverlee | Sint-Joris-Weert | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Dagbladen Nancy & Da.. |
| 48 | 131 |  | E/L | 09.08.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Heverlee | Diest | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank |
| 49 | 222 |  | E/L | 25.07.2007 | 04.03.2008 | Leuven | Schaffen | KBC Bank Leuven-Sint.. | Fortis Bank |
| 49 | 70 |  | E/L | 07.03.2007 | 16.05.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Kumtich | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 49 | 139 |  | E/L | 31.07.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
* | 50 | 753 |  | E/L | 11.01.2007 | 03.02.2009 | Diest | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 51 | 267 |  | E/L | 23.02.2007 | 17.11.2007 | Diest | Vilvoorde | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Vilvoord.. |
| 52 | 97 |  | E/L | 03.07.2007 | 09.10.2007 | Kuringen | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 52 | 6 |  | E/L | 19.02.2007 | 26.02.2007 | Leuven | Aarschot | brand new bill - For.. | brand new bill - For.. |
| 52 | 7 |  | E/L | 08.06.2007 | 15.06.2007 | Leuven | Tienen | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 53 | 155 |  | E/L | 06.06.2007 | 08.11.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 53 | 32 |  | E/L | 17.01.2007 | 19.02.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
* | 53 | 526 |  | E/L | 14.12.2006 | 23.05.2008 | Kessel-Lo | Glabbeek | brand new bill - For.. | Fortis Bank |
| 54 | 44 |  | E/L | 20.12.2007 | 02.02.2008 | Leuven | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 54 | 129 |  | E/L | 05.02.2007 | 14.06.2007 | Diest | Herk-de-Stad | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 54 | 56 |  | E/L | 20.02.2007 | 17.04.2007 | Haacht | Aarschot | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. |
| 55 | 8 |  | E/L | 05.06.2007 | 14.06.2007 | Diest | Hoegaarden | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 55 | 1 |  | E/L | 17.04.2007 | 18.04.2007 | Aarschot | Schaffen | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | saved from destructi.. |
| 55 | 33 |  | E/L | 03.08.2007 | 06.09.2007 | Werchter | Kortenberg | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 55 | 107 |  | E/L | 09.07.2007 | 25.10.2007 | Diest | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 56 | 56 |  | E/L | 02.01.2007 | 27.02.2007 | Heverlee | Diest | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | brand new bill - For.. |
| 57 | 48 |  | E/L | 30.01.2007 | 20.03.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 57 | 2 |  | E/L | 08.06.2007 | 11.06.2007 | Aarschot | Scherpenheuvel | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | Fortis Bank |
| 57 | 110 |  | E/L | 16.02.2007 | 07.06.2007 | Blanden | Schaffen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 58 | 56 |  | E/L | 22.01.2007 | 20.03.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 58 | 18 |  | E/L | 05.07.2007 | 24.07.2007 | Andenne | Mechelen | Fortis Banque | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. |
| 58 | 123 |  | E/L | 30.03.2007 | 31.07.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 58 | 90 |  | E/L | 07.02.2007 | 09.05.2007 | Schaffen | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
* | 60 | 304 |  | E/L | 07.08.2007 | 06.06.2008 | Diest | Wellen | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 60 | 373 |  | E/L | 28.02.2007 | 07.03.2008 | Veerle | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 60 | 10 |  | E/L | 25.01.2007 | 05.02.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 60 | 148 |  | E/L | 19.02.2007 | 17.07.2007 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
* | 61 | 230 |  | E/L | 18.10.2007 | 04.06.2008 | Korbeek-Lo | Mönchengladbach | Fortis Bank | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
| 61 | 117 |  | E/L | 01.08.2007 | 27.11.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | KBC Bank Heverlee-Ce.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 62 | 39 |  | E/L | 21.12.2006 | 30.01.2007 | Leuven | Mechelen | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. |
| 63 | 3 |  | E/L | 03.01.2007 | 06.01.2007 | Diest | Grimbergen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 63 | 211 |  | E/L | 16.05.2007 | 14.12.2007 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 63 | 209 |  | E/L | 07.07.2007 | 01.02.2008 | Tienen | Herent | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | KBC Bank |
| 63 | 28 |  | E/L | 27.02.2007 | 27.03.2007 | Diest | Leuven | brand new bill - For.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 63 | 52 |  | E/L | 29.01.2007 | 23.03.2007 | Diest | Scherpenheuvel | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 65 | 104 |  | E/L | 11.05.2007 | 23.08.2007 | Diest | Leuven | brand new bill - unc.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 66 | 227 |  | E/L | 19.02.2007 | 04.10.2007 | Leuven | Jezus-Eik | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 66 | 26 |  | E/L | 21.02.2007 | 20.03.2007 | Schaffen | Kortenberg | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
* | 66 | 347 |  | E/L | 12.06.2007 | 24.05.2008 | Leuven | Zonhoven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | KBC Bank |
| 66 | 59 |  | E/L | 11.06.2007 | 10.08.2007 | Scherpenheuvel | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 67 | 98 |  | E/L | 06.09.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Kortenberg | Haacht | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 67 | 65 |  | E/L | 14.05.2007 | 19.07.2007 | Scherpenheuvel | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 67 | 54 |  | E/L | 31.08.2007 | 25.10.2007 | Tienen | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 67 | 23 |  | E/L | 23.01.2008 | 15.02.2008 | Heverlee | Anderlecht | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Anderlec.. |
| 68 | 132 |  | E/L | 23.10.2007 | 04.03.2008 | Mechelen | Schaffen | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. | Fortis Bank |
| 68 | 100 |  | E/L | 22.08.2007 | 30.11.2007 | Leuven | Tienen | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 69 | 119 |  | E/L | 12.06.2007 | 09.10.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 70 | 6 |  | E/L | 05.01.2007 | 12.01.2007 | Boutersem | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. |
| 70 | 165 |  | E/L | 15.05.2007 | 27.10.2007 | Leuven | Hasselt | Fortis Bank - Leuven.. | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 70 | 295 |  | E/L | 19.10.2006 | 10.08.2007 | Sint-Joris-Winge | Wilsele | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
| 70 | 54 |  | E/L | 07.12.2006 | 30.01.2007 | Leuven | Zemst | brand new bill - unc.. | Fortis Bank |
| 71 | 145 |  | E/L | 30.08.2007 | 23.01.2008 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 72 | 150 |  | E/L | 09.01.2007 | 08.06.2007 | Heverlee | Aarschot | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. |
| 73 | 432 |  | E/L | 12.03.2007 | 18.05.2008 | Hamme-Mille | Tienen | Fortis Banque | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 73 | 191 |  | E/L | 28.07.2006 | 05.02.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | brand new bill - fro.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 74 | 208 |  | E/L | 11.04.2007 | 06.11.2007 | Leuven | Wijgmaal | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 74 | 33 |  | E/L | 10.05.2007 | 12.06.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 74 | 2 |  | E/L | 06.11.2007 | 08.11.2007 | Wijgmaal | Haacht | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 74 | 99 |  | E/L | 13.02.2007 | 24.05.2007 | Wilsele | Leuven | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 75 | 2 |  | E/L | 06.01.2007 | 09.01.2007 | Vilvoorde | Leuven | Fortis Bank Vilvoord.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 75 | 7 |  | E/L | 13.02.2007 | 21.02.2007 | Wilsele | Schaffen | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank |
| 76 | 5 |  | E/L | 22.03.2007 | 27.03.2007 | Aarschot | Leuven | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 76 | 157 |  | E/L | 22.05.2007 | 27.10.2007 | Heverlee | Alken | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank |
| 76 | 91 |  | E/L | 22.05.2007 | 22.08.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 77 | 43 |  | E/L | 18.06.2007 | 31.07.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 77 | 63 |  | E/L | 22.03.2007 | 25.05.2007 | Aarschot | Leuven | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | Everest Nightshop |
| 77 | 49 |  | E/L | 03.01.2007 | 21.02.2007 | Diest | Schaffen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 78 | 191 |  | E/L | 17.04.2007 | 26.10.2007 | Aarschot | Haacht | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | Fortis Bank |
| 78 | 77 |  | E/L | 07.08.2007 | 23.10.2007 | Diest | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 78 | 49 |  | E/L | 09.01.2007 | 27.02.2007 | Korbeek-Lo | Diest | Fortis Bank | brand new bill - For.. |
| 79 | 34 |  | E/L | 30.01.2007 | 06.03.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 80 | 88 |  | E/L | 24.11.2006 | 20.02.2007 | Leuven | Herent | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 80 | 148 |  | E/L | 17.07.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 80 | 44 |  | E/L | 09.01.2007 | 22.02.2007 | Wilsele | Leuven | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | marked bill - dot ne.. |
| 80 | 20 |  | E/L | 11.05.2007 | 01.06.2007 | Diest | Werchter | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 80 | 21 |  | E/L | 29.01.2007 | 20.02.2007 | Diest | Haacht | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 80 | 80 |  | E/L | 20.02.2007 | 11.05.2007 | Herent | Diest | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 81 | 329 |  | E/L | 13.12.2006 | 08.11.2007 | Brugge | Leuven | Fortis Bank Brugge-S.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 81 | 274 |  | E/L | 04.01.2007 | 05.10.2007 | Scherpenheuvel | Kampenhout | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 81 | 111 |  | E/L | 09.07.2007 | 29.10.2007 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 82 | 22 |  | E/L | 08.11.2007 | 30.11.2007 | Leuven | Tienen | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 82 | 104 |  | E/L | 02.11.2007 | 15.02.2008 | Wemmel | Anderlecht | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Anderlec.. |
| 82 | 252 |  | E/L | 23.03.2007 | 30.11.2007 | Scherpenheuvel | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 82 | 174 |  | E/L | 23.08.2007 | 14.02.2008 | Leuven | Leefdaal | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 83 | 70 |  | E/L | 14.03.2007 | 23.05.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 83 | 246 |  | E/L | 20.02.2007 | 24.10.2007 | Wilsele | Kraainem | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank |
| 83 | 98 |  | E/L | 24.05.2007 | 30.08.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 83 | 55 |  | E/L | 03.12.2007 | 28.01.2008 | Leuven | Herent | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 83 | 138 |  | E/L | 30.11.2006 | 17.04.2007 | Wezemaal | Aarschot | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. |
| 84 | 71 |  | E/L | 24.05.2007 | 03.08.2007 | Schaffen | Werchter | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 85 | 18 |  | E/L | 03.05.2007 | 21.05.2007 | Aarschot | Diest | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | Fortis Bank |
| 85 | 196 |  | E/L | 24.05.2007 | 06.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 85 | 73 |  | E/L | 23.02.2007 | 08.05.2007 | Tienen | Leefdaal | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 85 | 358 |  | E/L | 07.03.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Tielt-Winge | Werchter | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 85 | 100 |  | E/L | 03.01.2007 | 13.04.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 86 | 141 |  | E/L | 21.03.2007 | 10.08.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 86 | 39 |  | E/L | 17.01.2007 | 26.02.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Aarschot | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. |
| 86 | 35 |  | E/L | 15.05.2007 | 20.06.2007 | Heverlee | Diest | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank |
| 87 | 87 |  | E/L | 07.08.2007 | 02.11.2007 | Bertem | Kapelle-op-den-Bos | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 87 | 30 |  | E/L | 14.03.2007 | 13.04.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 87 | 226 |  | E/L | 13.03.2007 | 25.10.2007 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 88 | 29 |  | E/L | 08.11.2007 | 08.12.2007 | Leuven | Kortenberg | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 88 | 72 |  | E/L | 10.08.2007 | 22.10.2007 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 89 | 34 |  | E/L | 11.10.2007 | 15.11.2007 | Wilsele | Leuven | KBC Bank Wilsele-Put.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 89 | 126 |  | E/L | 06.02.2007 | 12.06.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 89 | 117 |  | E/L | 26.10.2007 | 21.02.2008 | Haacht | Wezemaal | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 91 | 521 |  | E/L | 30.06.2006 | 04.12.2007 | Schaffen | Diest | brand new bill - KBC.. | Fortis Bank |
| 91 | 28 |  | E/L | 14.03.2007 | 11.04.2007 | Schaffen | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 91 | 180 |  | E/L | 07.12.2006 | 06.06.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 92 | 150 |  | E/L | 03.07.2007 | 30.11.2007 | Kuringen | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 92 | 11 |  | E/L | 25.01.2007 | 05.02.2007 | Kessel-Lo | Diest | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Fortis Bank |
| 92 | 98 |  | E/L | 05.02.2007 | 15.05.2007 | Diest | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 92 | 7 |  | E/L | 02.05.2007 | 10.05.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 93 | 112 |  | E/L | 15.05.2007 | 05.09.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 94 | 97 |  | E/L | 31.10.2006 | 06.02.2007 | Diest | Heverlee | Jet Tankstation | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 96 | 103 |  | E/L | 08.03.2007 | 20.06.2007 | Wilsele | Averbode | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank |
| 96 | 230 |  | E/L | 18.01.2007 | 06.09.2007 | Heverlee | Kortenberg | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank |
| 97 | 41 |  | E/L | 07.06.2007 | 18.07.2007 | Schaffen | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 97 | 251 |  | E/L | 16.05.2007 | 23.01.2008 | Kumtich | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 97 | 64 |  | E/L | 15.05.2007 | 18.07.2007 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank - Leuven.. | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 98 | 29 |  | E/L | 12.03.2007 | 10.04.2007 | Hamme-Mille | Diest | Fortis Banque | Fortis Bank |
| 99 | 89 |  | E/L | 07.11.2007 | 05.02.2008 | Leuven | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 99 | 99 |  | E/L | 07.11.2007 | 15.02.2008 | Leuven | Watermaal-Bosvoorde | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Watermaa.. |
| 99 | 157 |  | E/L | 29.06.2007 | 04.12.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 99 | 142 |  | E/L | 13.03.2007 | 02.08.2007 | Diest | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
* | 3 | 359 |  | F/N | 29.05.2007 | 23.05.2008 | Emmen | Kessel-Lo | Action Discount Shop.. | Jet Tankstation |
* | 5 | 176 |  | F/N | 19.12.2007 | 12.06.2008 | Heverlee | 's Gravenvoeren | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | KBC Bank |
* | 8 | 177 |  | F/N | 18.12.2007 | 12.06.2008 | Kessel-Lo | 's Gravenvoeren | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | KBC Bank |
| 23 | 35 |  | F/N | 29.06.2007 | 04.08.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Groente- en Fruitkra.. |
| 29 | 112 |  | F/N | 12.03.2007 | 03.07.2007 | Blanden | Kuringen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
* | 36 | 4 |  | F/N | 23.05.2008 | 28.05.2008 | Tienen | Geilenkirchen | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | Kreissparkasse Heins.. |
| 39 | 381 |  | F/N | 26.12.2006 | 11.01.2008 | Waalre | Scherpenheuvel | Albert Hein Supermar.. | Fortis Bank |
* | 44 | 404 |  | F/N | 07.08.2007 | 15.09.2008 | Hamme-Mille | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Versbakker Van Veene.. |
| 45 | 43 |  | F/N | 21.12.2004 | 02.02.2005 | Ter apel | Nieuw amsterdam | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 51 | 250 |  | F/N | 02.03.2007 | 08.11.2007 | Groningen | Leuven | Rabobank Groningen-G.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
** | 65 | 341 |  | F/N | 27.03.2008 | 04.03.2009 | Nieuw Amsterdam | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 75 | 181 |  | F/N | 07.06.2007 | 05.12.2007 | Schaffen | Aachen | Fortis Bank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 89 | 314 |  | F/N | 30.06.2007 | 09.05.2008 | Leuven | Emmen | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Rabobank |
| 95 | 685 |  | F/N | 22.04.2006 | 07.03.2008 | Sint-huibrechts-lille | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 1 | 574 |  | G/P | 01.11.2004 | 29.05.2006 | Emmen | Ommen | Rabobank | Albert & Gé |
| 4 | 2 |  | G/P | 25.01.2005 | 27.01.2005 | Beilen | Klazienaveen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 4 | 28 |  | G/P | 26.10.2004 | 24.11.2004 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 6 | 132 |  | G/P | 10.08.2004 | 21.12.2004 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 10 | 178 |  | G/P | 19.07.2004 | 14.01.2005 | Emmen | Beilen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 14 | 98 |  | G/P | 13.03.2007 | 20.06.2007 | Diest | Averbode | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 17 | 126 |  | G/P | 09.02.2006 | 15.06.2006 | Zonhoven | Paal | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 34 | 65 |  | G/P | 08.12.2006 | 11.02.2007 | Kermt | Klazienaveen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 36 | 186 |  | G/P | 07.12.2006 | 11.06.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 37 | 144 |  | G/P | 11.02.2007 | 05.07.2007 | Klazienaveen | Andenne | Rabobank | Fortis Banque |
| 41 | 31 |  | G/P | 14.12.2006 | 15.01.2007 | Kessel-Lo | Blanden | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 41 | 580 |  | G/P | 18.11.2004 | 21.06.2006 | Beilen | Hasselt | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 48 | 337 |  | G/P | 26.12.2006 | 29.11.2007 | Waalre | Leuven | DA Drogist | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 52 | 21 |  | G/P | 02.01.2005 | 24.01.2005 | Emmen | Beilen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 53 | 47 |  | G/P | 12.10.2004 | 29.11.2004 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 59 | 4 |  | G/P | 25.12.2004 | 30.12.2004 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | new bill - Rabobank |
| 65 | 366 |  | G/P | 18.03.2006 | 20.03.2007 | Maastricht | Nossegem | Cafe Ut Terras | Fortis Bank |
| 65 | 528 |  | G/P | 03.01.2005 | 16.06.2006 | Dalen | Halen | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
| 69 | 537 |  | G/P | 23.08.2004 | 11.02.2006 | Emmen | Ravels | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 72 | 296 |  | G/P | 05.01.2005 | 29.10.2005 | Schoonebeek | Sint-lambrechts-herk | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 80 | 181 |  | G/P | 18.01.2007 | 19.07.2007 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
* | 82 | 623 |  | G/P | 20.02.2007 | 04.11.2008 | Wespelaar | Itterbeck | Eurospar Supermarkt | Volksbank Niedergraf.. |
| 85 | 219 |  | G/P | 28.11.2006 | 05.07.2007 | Diest | Andenne | Fortis Bank - from a.. | Fortis Banque |
| 86 | 387 |  | G/P | 03.02.2005 | 25.02.2006 | Emmen | Hasselt | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 86 | 126 |  | G/P | 21.09.2004 | 25.01.2005 | Emmen | Beilen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 87 | 177 |  | G/P | 13.12.2006 | 09.06.2007 | Brugge | Averbode | Fortis Bank Brugge-S.. | Fortis Bank |
| 88 | 57 |  | G/P | 29.05.2007 | 26.07.2007 | Orvelte | Hasselt | Plantenverkoper uit .. | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 93 | 122 |  | G/P | 24.01.2005 | 26.05.2005 | Beilen | Schoonebeek | Rabobank | very wrinkled - Andr.. |
| 93 | 22 |  | G/P | 16.10.2004 | 07.11.2004 | Beilen | Beilen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 95 | 926 |  | G/P | 03.01.2005 | 18.07.2007 | Dalen | Heverlee | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 98 | 500 |  | G/P | 30.12.2005 | 15.05.2007 | Emlichheim | Leuven | Postbank | Fortis Bank - Leuven.. |
| 45 | 316 |  | K/T | 30.01.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Mechelen | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. | Fortis Bank |
| 90 | 276 |  | K/T | 24.01.2005 | 27.10.2005 | Beilen | Koersel | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 6 | 8 |  | L/U | 13.12.2006 | 21.12.2006 | Nieuwpoort | Leuven | KBC Bank Nieuwpoort-.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
* | 13 | 282 |  | L/U | 09.05.2008 | 16.02.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 19 | 967 |  | L/U | 16.08.2005 | 09.04.2008 | Berlin | Bramsche | Heart of Gold Hostel.. | K+K Markt Supermarkt.. |
| 24 | 46 |  | L/U | 14.06.2007 | 30.07.2007 | Lubbeek | Klazienaveen | Citroën Quality Ser.. | Rabobank |
| 27 | 20 |  | L/U | 17.07.2007 | 07.08.2007 | Heverlee | Diest | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank |
| 29 | 360 |  | L/U | 19.05.2007 | 13.05.2008 | Aachen | Straelen | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. | Shell Tankstation |
* | 36 | 161 |  | L/U | 19.12.2007 | 28.05.2008 | Heverlee | Aldenhoven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Sparkasse Düren - G.. |
* | 42 | 577 |  | L/U | 03.12.2006 | 03.07.2008 | Schaijk | Rütenbrock | A50 BP Tankstation D.. | Sparkasse Emsland - .. |
| 46 | 333 |  | L/U | 12.01.2006 | 11.12.2006 | Kortessem | Diest | Trichet signature - .. | Fortis Bank |
| 54 | 15 |  | L/U | 06.11.2007 | 21.11.2007 | Wijgmaal | Schaffen | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 56 | 616 |  | L/U | 25.05.2006 | 01.02.2008 | Lintorf | Tienen | Commerzbank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 72 | 407 |  | L/U | 12.09.2006 | 24.10.2007 | Diest | Kraainem | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
** | 76 | 385 |  | L/U | 04.03.2008 | 25.03.2009 | Schaffen | Nieuw Amsterdam | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 78 | 223 |  | L/U | 25.01.2007 | 05.09.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 83 | 206 |  | L/U | 06.08.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Steenokkerzeel | Leuven | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 97 | 95 |  | L/U | 13.02.2006 | 19.05.2006 | Emmen | Neeroeteren | De Oliebollenbakkeri.. | Dexia Bank |
| 0 | 23 |  | M/V | 30.01.2007 | 22.02.2007 | Herent | Leuven | brand new bill - Ald.. | marked bill - dot ne.. |
* | 0 | 216 |  | M/V | 20.10.2007 | 23.05.2008 | Herent | Glabbeek | Okay Supermarkt | Fortis Bank |
| 1 | 80 |  | M/V | 26.02.2008 | 17.05.2008 | Herent | Leuven | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. | KBC Bank Leuven-Pari.. |
| 2 | 54 |  | M/V | 15.11.2007 | 08.01.2008 | Leuven | Herent | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Herent-S.. |
| 2 | 18 |  | M/V | 29.11.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Leuven | Herent | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 2 | 7 |  | M/V | 22.05.2007 | 30.05.2007 | Heverlee | Tildonk | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank |
| 3 | 96 |  | M/V | 20.11.2007 | 25.02.2008 | Haasrode | Kampenhout | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 3 | 84 |  | M/V | 19.12.2007 | 12.03.2008 | Korbeek-Lo | Hamme-Mille | Fortis Bank | Fortis Banque |
* | 3 | 190 |  | M/V | 15.11.2007 | 23.05.2008 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 4 | 33 |  | M/V | 20.12.2007 | 23.01.2008 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 6 | 42 |  | M/V | 20.12.2007 | 01.02.2008 | Leuven | Herent | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | KBC Bank |
| 7 | 140 |  | M/V | 16.10.2007 | 04.03.2008 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
* | 7 | 10 |  | M/V | 09.06.2008 | 19.06.2008 | Aachen | Bremerhaven | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. | Weserfähre Bremerha.. |
| 10 | 33 |  | M/V | 15.11.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Leuven | Herent | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 11 | 116 |  | M/V | 26.10.2007 | 19.02.2008 | Haacht | Aachen | Fortis Bank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 12 | 102 |  | M/V | 30.11.2007 | 12.03.2008 | Tienen | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 13 | 4 |  | M/V | 18.11.2007 | 22.11.2007 | Grimbergen | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 13 | 20 |  | M/V | 22.11.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 15 | 72 |  | M/V | 07.03.2008 | 18.05.2008 | Tienen | Wellen | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 16 | 113 |  | M/V | 06.11.2007 | 28.02.2008 | Wijgmaal | Werchter | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 17 | 77 |  | M/V | 06.06.2007 | 22.08.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 17 | 5 |  | M/V | 13.12.2007 | 19.12.2007 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 18 | 127 |  | M/V | 16.10.2007 | 20.02.2008 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 18 | 62 |  | M/V | 21.11.2007 | 23.01.2008 | Schaffen | Leuven | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 19 | 24 |  | M/V | 20.03.2007 | 14.04.2007 | Kortenberg | Leuven | KBC Bank | Greggs Broodjesbar |
| 21 | 138 |  | M/V | 31.08.2007 | 17.01.2008 | Tienen | Leuven | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 22 | 78 |  | M/V | 28.08.2007 | 15.11.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 22 | 135 |  | M/V | 24.07.2007 | 06.12.2007 | Mechelen | Leuven | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 23 | 28 |  | M/V | 09.10.2007 | 06.11.2007 | Diest | Wezemaal | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 23 | 19 |  | M/V | 17.01.2008 | 05.02.2008 | Leuven | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 24 | 48 |  | M/V | 28.08.2007 | 16.10.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 24 | 122 |  | M/V | 18.07.2007 | 18.11.2007 | Heverlee | Strombeek-Bever | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Dexia Bank |
** | 24 | 326 |  | M/V | 02.06.2008 | 25.04.2009 | Jüchen | Hardenberg | Sparkasse Neuss - Ge.. | Rabobank |
| 25 | 18 |  | M/V | 15.11.2007 | 03.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 25 | 38 |  | M/V | 03.05.2007 | 11.06.2007 | Aarschot | Scherpenheuvel | Fortis Bank Aarschot.. | Fortis Bank |
| 26 | 44 |  | M/V | 14.12.2007 | 28.01.2008 | Glabbeek | Herent | brand new bill - unc.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 26 | 154 |  | M/V | 06.08.2007 | 08.01.2008 | Zaventem | Herent | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Herent-S.. |
| 26 | 87 |  | M/V | 11.05.2007 | 07.08.2007 | Diest | Hamme-Mille | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
* | 26 | 18 |  | M/V | 19.05.2008 | 06.06.2008 | Eschweiler | Kuringen | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. | KBC Bank |
| 27 | 9 |  | M/V | 16.10.2007 | 25.10.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 27 | 141 |  | M/V | 24.07.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Mechelen | Leuven | KBC Bank Mechelen-Ce.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 27 | 56 |  | M/V | 31.08.2007 | 26.10.2007 | Tienen | Tienen | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 27 | 41 |  | M/V | 11.10.2007 | 21.11.2007 | Wilsele | Schaffen | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank |
| 28 | 6 |  | M/V | 08.11.2007 | 15.11.2007 | Haacht | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 28 | 16 |  | M/V | 07.08.2007 | 23.08.2007 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 29 | 99 |  | M/V | 04.12.2007 | 12.03.2008 | Diest | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 29 | 34 |  | M/V | 11.10.2007 | 15.11.2007 | Wilsele | Leuven | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 29 | 105 |  | M/V | 22.11.2007 | 07.03.2008 | Leuven | Tienen | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 30 | 86 |  | M/V | 06.11.2007 | 01.02.2008 | Rotselaar | Herent | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Herent-S.. |
| 32 | 21 |  | M/V | 22.11.2007 | 14.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 32 | 190 |  | M/V | 07.11.2007 | 15.05.2008 | Leuven | Zichem | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 33 | 57 |  | M/V | 29.11.2007 | 26.01.2008 | Leuven | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 34 | 26 |  | M/V | 17.01.2008 | 12.02.2008 | Leuven | Oudenaarde | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
* | 34 | 70 |  | M/V | 10.03.2008 | 20.05.2008 | Aachen | Aachen | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
| 35 | 46 |  | M/V | 02.11.2007 | 19.12.2007 | Wemmel | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 35 | 14 |  | M/V | 29.11.2007 | 14.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 35 | 49 |  | M/V | 26.10.2007 | 14.12.2007 | Tienen | Tienen | brand new bill - unc.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 36 | 113 |  | M/V | 07.11.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Leuven | Hofstade | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 41 | 46 |  | M/V | 02.11.2007 | 19.12.2007 | Wemmel | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 42 | 30 |  | M/V | 07.11.2007 | 08.12.2007 | Leuven | Kortenberg | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 43 | 44 |  | M/V | 19.12.2007 | 02.02.2008 | Heverlee | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 44 | 226 |  | M/V | 17.07.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Heverlee | Leuven | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 44 | 53 |  | M/V | 31.08.2007 | 23.10.2007 | Tienen | Mechelen | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. |
| 44 | 56 |  | M/V | 20.12.2007 | 14.02.2008 | Leuven | Leefdaal | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
* | 45 | 191 |  | M/V | 15.11.2007 | 24.05.2008 | Leuven | Zonhoven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | KBC Bank |
| 45 | 170 |  | M/V | 07.08.2007 | 24.01.2008 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 45 | 73 |  | M/V | 13.12.2007 | 25.02.2008 | Leuven | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 46 | 181 |  | M/V | 31.08.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Tienen | Leuven | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 47 | 37 |  | M/V | 16.10.2007 | 22.11.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 47 | 22 |  | M/V | 23.01.2008 | 14.02.2008 | Heverlee | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 48 | 3 |  | M/V | 15.11.2007 | 18.11.2007 | Leuven | Vilvoorde | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Vilvoord.. |
| 48 | 98 |  | M/V | 13.09.2007 | 20.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | KBC Bank Leuven-Sint.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 48 | 48 |  | M/V | 19.12.2007 | 05.02.2008 | Korbeek-Lo | Boortmeerbeek | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 49 | 15 |  | M/V | 23.10.2007 | 07.11.2007 | Boortmeerbeek | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 50 | 40 |  | M/V | 20.12.2007 | 30.01.2008 | Leuven | Korbeek-Lo | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 51 | 29 |  | M/V | 15.11.2007 | 14.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 51 | 21 |  | M/V | 21.03.2007 | 11.04.2007 | Tielt-Winge | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 53 | 32 |  | M/V | 11.01.2008 | 12.02.2008 | Halen | Ieper | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Ieper-Ce.. |
** | 55 | 516 |  | M/V | 25.10.2007 | 25.03.2009 | Leuven | Nieuw Amsterdam | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Rabobank |
| 55 | 72 |  | M/V | 27.10.2007 | 08.01.2008 | Alken | Herent | Fortis Bank | Dexia Bank |
| 55 | 86 |  | M/V | 13.12.2007 | 08.03.2008 | Haacht | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 56 | 2 |  | M/V | 03.10.2007 | 05.10.2007 | Herent | Boortmeerbeek | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 56 | 79 |  | M/V | 13.12.2007 | 01.03.2008 | Leuven | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
* | 56 | 170 |  | M/V | 19.12.2007 | 06.06.2008 | Heverlee | Wellen | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | KBC Bank |
* | 57 | 216 |  | M/V | 08.11.2007 | 11.06.2008 | Haacht | Leopoldsburg | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 57 | 127 |  | M/V | 24.10.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Wezembeek-Oppem | Hofstade | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 60 | 13 |  | M/V | 25.10.2007 | 07.11.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 61 | 90 |  | M/V | 11.11.2007 | 09.02.2008 | Bladel | Korbeek-Lo | A67 Gulf Tankstation.. | Fortis Bank |
| 61 | 50 |  | M/V | 25.10.2007 | 14.12.2007 | Kessel-Lo | Tienen | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 62 | 180 |  | M/V | 19.11.2007 | 18.05.2008 | Haacht | Wellen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 62 | 268 |  | M/V | 22.05.2007 | 15.02.2008 | Heverlee | Anderlecht | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Anderlec.. |
| 64 | 84 |  | M/V | 21.02.2008 | 15.05.2008 | Wezemaal | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 64 | 35 |  | M/V | 25.10.2007 | 30.11.2007 | Kessel-Lo | Tienen | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 65 | 45 |  | M/V | 02.11.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Opwijk | Herent | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 65 | 5 |  | M/V | 17.11.2007 | 22.11.2007 | Zaventem | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 65 | 7 |  | M/V | 06.12.2007 | 14.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 65 | 8 |  | M/V | 22.08.2007 | 30.08.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 67 | 1 |  | M/V | 26.10.2007 | 27.10.2007 | Tienen | Leuven | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. | Frituur d' Aa-Mèt |
| 68 | 73 |  | M/V | 19.12.2007 | 01.03.2008 | Heverlee | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 68 | 122 |  | M/V | 06.08.2007 | 06.12.2007 | Steenokkerzeel | Leuven | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 69 | 217 |  | M/V | 07.03.2007 | 11.10.2007 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
* | 71 | 308 |  | M/V | 19.07.2007 | 23.05.2008 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
* | 73 | 262 |  | M/V | 05.09.2007 | 24.05.2008 | Leuven | Zonhoven | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | KBC Bank |
| 75 | 117 |  | M/V | 25.10.2007 | 20.02.2008 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 76 | 84 |  | M/V | 20.03.2007 | 12.06.2007 | Kortenberg | Leuven | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 78 | 115 |  | M/V | 05.11.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Mechelen | Hofstade | KBC Bank Mechelen-Br.. | Fortis Bank |
| 80 | 38 |  | M/V | 08.01.2008 | 15.02.2008 | Herent | Watermaal-Bosvoorde | Fortis Bank Herent-S.. | Fortis Bank Watermaa.. |
| 80 | 65 |  | M/V | 21.11.2007 | 26.01.2008 | Schaffen | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 81 | 69 |  | M/V | 15.11.2007 | 23.01.2008 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 81 | 20 |  | M/V | 29.11.2007 | 19.12.2007 | Leuven | Heverlee | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 81 | 42 |  | M/V | 07.11.2007 | 20.12.2007 | Herent | Leuven | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 81 | 71 |  | M/V | 11.06.2007 | 22.08.2007 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 82 | 24 |  | M/V | 16.05.2007 | 09.06.2007 | Boutersem | Brussel | Fortis Bank | Goffin Change Wissel.. |
* | 83 | 294 |  | M/V | 06.08.2007 | 27.05.2008 | Steenokkerzeel | Büllingen | KBC Bank | KBC Bank |
* | 83 | 70 |  | M/V | 10.03.2008 | 20.05.2008 | Aachen | Aachen | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
| 84 | 5 |  | M/V | 11.01.2008 | 17.01.2008 | Halen | Leuven | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 84 | 4 |  | M/V | 14.12.2007 | 19.12.2007 | Leuven | Korbeek-Lo | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
*** | 85 | 349 |  | M/V | 28.05.2008 | 13.05.2009 | Eschweiler | Gramsbergen | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. | Rabobank |
| 87 | 75 |  | M/V | 29.11.2007 | 12.02.2008 | Leuven | Oudenaarde | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
* | 88 | 274 |  | M/V | 12.09.2007 | 12.06.2008 | Leuven | Riemst | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | KBC Bank |
| 91 | 82 |  | M/V | 30.11.2007 | 21.02.2008 | Tienen | Wilsele | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
| 92 | 77 |  | M/V | 25.10.2007 | 11.01.2008 | Kessel-Lo | Halen | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | KBC Bank |
| 93 | 189 |  | M/V | 27.04.2007 | 02.11.2007 | Leuven | Wemmel | Billy´s Ice Cream | Fortis Bank |
| 96 | 155 |  | M/V | 19.05.2007 | 22.10.2007 | Aachen | Heverlee | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 97 | 123 |  | M/V | 29.10.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 98 | 48 |  | M/V | 25.10.2007 | 13.12.2007 | Kessel-Lo | Haacht | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Fortis Bank |
| 98 | 25 |  | M/V | 22.11.2007 | 18.12.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank |
| 98 | 77 |  | M/V | 02.05.2007 | 19.07.2007 | Schaffen | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 99 | 45 |  | M/V | 14.12.2007 | 28.01.2008 | Leuven | Herent | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Fortis Bank Herent-C.. |
| 0 | 1 |  | P/P | 02.01.2005 | 03.01.2005 | Emmen | Emmen | brand new bill - unc.. | brand new bill - unc.. |
| 0 | 3 |  | P/P | 31.12.2004 | 03.01.2005 | Emmen | Emmen | brand new bill - unc.. | printing ink stain -.. |
| 9 | 114 |  | P/P | 27.08.2004 | 19.12.2004 | Beilen | Zwolle | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 14 | 134 |  | P/P | 16.06.2004 | 29.10.2004 | Emmen | Beilen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 20 | 238 |  | P/P | 22.07.2005 | 17.03.2006 | Nieuw amsterdam | Hasselt | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 23 | 59 |  | P/P | 24.01.2005 | 24.03.2005 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 26 | 172 |  | P/P | 05.12.2004 | 26.05.2005 | Beilen | Schoonebeek | Rabobank | Andrea - Rabobank |
| 37 | 86 |  | P/P | 18.12.2006 | 14.03.2007 | Diest | Tielt-Winge | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 40 | 15 |  | P/P | 08.03.2007 | 23.03.2007 | Wilsele | Scherpenheuvel | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Fortis Bank |
| 49 | 267 |  | P/P | 14.06.2007 | 07.03.2008 | Tielt-Winge | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 50 | 50 |  | P/P | 04.02.2005 | 26.03.2005 | Emmen | Emmen | brand new bill - unc.. | brand new bill - unc.. |
| 51 | 265 |  | P/P | 13.04.2006 | 03.01.2007 | Paal | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 53 | 323 |  | P/P | 22.04.2005 | 11.03.2006 | Emmen | Eindhoven | Rabobank | Xenos Voordeelwinkel.. |
* | 60 | 222 |  | P/P | 02.11.2007 | 12.06.2008 | Wemmel | Riemst | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 69 | 140 |  | P/P | 13.02.2007 | 04.07.2007 | Leuven | Schaffen | Billy´s Ice Cream | Fortis Bank |
| 76 | 14 |  | P/P | 10.11.2004 | 24.11.2004 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 89 | 522 |  | P/P | 18.07.2007 | 22.12.2008 | Heverlee | Emmen | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Rabobank |
| 94 | 72 |  | P/P | 09.11.2004 | 20.01.2005 | Klazienaveen | Emmercompascuum | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 4 | 4 |  | P/X | 27.01.2005 | 31.01.2005 | Beilen | Klazienaveen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 16 | 776 |  | P/X | 01.10.2004 | 16.11.2006 | Jüchen | Leuven | Fleischerei Norbert .. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 23 | 441 |  | P/X | 27.12.2004 | 14.03.2006 | Nieuw amsterdam | Hasselt | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
** | 27 | 6 |  | P/X | 01.05.2009 | 08.05.2009 | Emlichheim | Emlichheim | Oldenburgische Lande.. | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
| 34 | 199 |  | P/X | 24.08.2006 | 12.03.2007 | Leuven | Hamme-Mille | Dexia Bank Leuven-Gr.. | Fortis Banque |
| 39 | 710 |  | P/X | 14.06.2004 | 25.05.2006 | Meppen | Maasmechelen | Lidl Supermarket | Fortis Bank |
| 57 | 5 |  | P/X | 31.01.2005 | 05.02.2005 | Beilen | Klazienaveen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 59 | 28 |  | P/X | 08.12.2004 | 05.01.2005 | Emmen | Klazienaveen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
*** | 61 | 32 |  | P/X | 10.04.2009 | 13.05.2009 | Emlichheim | Emlichheim | Grafschafter Volksba.. | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
*** | 66 | 15 |  | P/X | 01.05.2009 | 16.05.2009 | Emlichheim | Nordhorn | Oldenburgische Lande.. | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
** | 66 | 8 |  | P/X | 01.05.2009 | 09.05.2009 | Emlichheim | Emlichheim | Oldenburgische Lande.. | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
** | 75 | 26 |  | P/X | 09.04.2009 | 05.05.2009 | Emlichheim | Schöninghsdorf | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. | Emsländische Volksb.. |
| 76 | 467 |  | P/X | 29.10.2004 | 09.02.2006 | Klazienaveen | Zonhoven | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
** | 78 | 1 |  | P/X | 08.05.2009 | 09.05.2009 | Emlichheim | Emlichheim | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
*** | 80 | 7 |  | P/X | 05.05.2009 | 13.05.2009 | Rütenbrock | Emlichheim | Volksbank Emstal | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
* | 0 | 1 |  | R/X | 27.01.2009 | 28.01.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | brand new bill - unc.. | brand new bill - unc.. |
** | 0 | 4 |  | R/X | 23.03.2009 | 27.03.2009 | Emmen | Klazienaveen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 2 | 78 |  | R/X | 13.12.2007 | 29.02.2008 | Boortmeerbeek | Tremelo | brand new bill - Dex.. | Fortis Bank |
** | 3 | 71 |  | R/X | 21.02.2009 | 03.05.2009 | Emmen | Zwolle | Rabobank | Parkeren Heaven on E.. |
* | 4 | 2 |  | R/X | 21.11.2008 | 24.11.2008 | Emmen | Emmen | brand new bill - unc.. | Aldi Supermarkt |
* | 4 | 6 |  | R/X | 28.05.2008 | 04.06.2008 | Eschweiler | Mönchengladbach | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
* | 5 | 5 |  | R/X | 22.05.2008 | 28.05.2008 | Aachen | Eschweiler | Call Center & Intern.. | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
* | 8 | 98 |  | R/X | 29.02.2008 | 06.06.2008 | Tienen | Kortessem | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | KBC Bank |
** | 8 | 5 |  | R/X | 15.04.2009 | 21.04.2009 | Gramsbergen | Gramsbergen | brand new bill - unc.. | brand new bill - unc.. |
| 9 | 1 |  | R/X | 14.02.2008 | 15.02.2008 | Heverlee | Watermaal-Bosvoorde | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Watermaa.. |
* | 13 | 339 |  | R/X | 26.01.2008 | 30.12.2008 | Kessel-Lo | Emmen | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Rabobank |
| 21 | 25 |  | R/X | 11.02.2008 | 07.03.2008 | Leuven | Leuven | Hema Warenhuis | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
* | 23 | 7 |  | R/X | 02.06.2008 | 10.06.2008 | Jüchen | Heinsberg | Sparkasse Neuss - Ge.. | Kreissparkasse Heins.. |
| 32 | 16 |  | R/X | 14.02.2008 | 01.03.2008 | Heverlee | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
* | 33 | 12 |  | R/X | 27.05.2008 | 08.06.2008 | Kreuzau | Woffelsbach | Sparkasse Düren - G.. | Restaurant am bord v.. |
* | 33 | 10 |  | R/X | 30.05.2008 | 10.06.2008 | Heinsberg | Aachen | Kreissparkasse Heins.. | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
* | 33 | 21 |  | R/X | 21.05.2008 | 12.06.2008 | Aachen | Aachen | Dresdner Bank Filial.. | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
** | 37 | 20 |  | R/X | 21.02.2009 | 13.03.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 37 | 5 |  | R/X | 21.05.2008 | 27.05.2008 | Aachen | Mausbach | Sparkasse Aachen-Ges.. | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
| 37 | 1 |  | R/X | 11.03.2008 | 12.03.2008 | Leuven | Overijse | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. | Dexia Bank |
** | 40 | 4 |  | R/X | 01.05.2009 | 05.05.2009 | Emlichheim | Schöninghsdorf | Oldenburgische Lande.. | Emsländische Volksb.. |
* | 41 | 158 |  | R/X | 18.12.2007 | 24.05.2008 | Diest | Zonhoven | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
* | 42 | 192 |  | R/X | 12.06.2008 | 22.12.2008 | Riemst | Emmen | KBC Bank | Rabobank |
| 42 | 34 |  | R/X | 13.12.2007 | 17.01.2008 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
** | 43 | 43 |  | R/X | 13.03.2009 | 25.04.2009 | Emmen | Hardenberg | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 45 | 10 |  | R/X | 20.02.2008 | 01.03.2008 | Heverlee | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 46 | 5 |  | R/X | 11.01.2008 | 17.01.2008 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 49 | 15 |  | R/X | 15.01.2008 | 31.01.2008 | Kessel-Lo | Leuven | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
* | 49 | 1 |  | R/X | 28.05.2008 | 29.05.2008 | Geilenkirchen | Hückelhoven | Kreissparkasse Heins.. | Kreissparkasse Heins.. |
| 52 | 42 |  | R/X | 12.01.2008 | 23.02.2008 | Heverlee | Leuven | Delhaize Supermarkt | Quick Restaurant |
* | 53 | 5 |  | R/X | 30.05.2008 | 04.06.2008 | Heinsberg | Mönchengladbach | Kreissparkasse Heins.. | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
** | 53 | 376 |  | R/X | 12.03.2008 | 24.03.2009 | Heverlee | Emmen | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. | Fortis Bank |
| 54 | 7 |  | R/X | 29.02.2008 | 08.03.2008 | Tienen | Kessel-Lo | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
* | 55 | 16 |  | R/X | 19.05.2008 | 04.06.2008 | Eschweiler | Mönchengladbach | Commerzbank | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
* | 60 | 151 |  | R/X | 11.01.2008 | 11.06.2008 | Schaffen | Leopoldsburg | brand new bill - unc.. | KBC Bank |
| 61 | 15 |  | R/X | 05.02.2008 | 20.02.2008 | Boortmeerbeek | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
* | 65 | 11 |  | R/X | 24.05.2008 | 05.06.2008 | Zonhoven | Hasselt | Dexia Bank | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
* | 68 | 104 |  | R/X | 29.02.2008 | 12.06.2008 | Tienen | 's Gravenvoeren | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. | KBC Bank |
** | 70 | 8 |  | R/X | 27.03.2009 | 04.04.2009 | Klazienaveen | Hardenberg | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 71 | 56 |  | R/X | 04.12.2007 | 30.01.2008 | Diest | Korbeek-Lo | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
* | 72 | 145 |  | R/X | 14.09.2008 | 07.02.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Bakker Bart | Rabobank |
** | 76 | 7 |  | R/X | 29.04.2009 | 07.05.2009 | Twist | Emmen | Emsländische Volksb.. | Rabobank |
** | 83 | 129 |  | R/X | 30.12.2008 | 09.05.2009 | Emmen | Emlichheim | Rabobank | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
** | 83 | 229 |  | R/X | 19.07.2008 | 06.03.2009 | Faetano | Emmen | Banca di San Marino | Rabobank |
* | 85 | 11 |  | R/X | 21.05.2008 | 02.06.2008 | Aachen | Düsseldorf | Sparkasse Aachen-Ges.. | Dresdner Bank - Gesc.. |
** | 86 | 29 |  | R/X | 04.03.2009 | 02.04.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 90 | 7 |  | R/X | 05.06.2008 | 12.06.2008 | Hasselt | 's Gravenvoeren | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. | KBC Bank |
| 52 | 28 |  | G/P | 21.01.2008 | 18.02.2008 | Leuven | Herent | brand new bill - For.. | KBC Bank |
| 73 | 23 |  | G/P | 26.01.2008 | 18.02.2008 | Korbeek-Lo | Herent | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 98 | 87 |  | G/P | 25.10.2007 | 21.01.2008 | Leuven | Leuven | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 29 | 117 |  | K/T | 25.02.2006 | 23.06.2006 | Meeuwen | Zonhoven | Dexia Bank | Axa Bank |
| 0 | 96 |  | L/U | 10.09.2007 | 16.12.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | ING Bank Leuven-Cent.. | Patisserie Alexandre.. |
| 27 | 117 |  | P/P | 25.02.2006 | 23.06.2006 | Lummen | Diest | Dexia Bank | KBC Bank |
| 1 | 14 |  | P/X | 16.06.2006 | 30.06.2006 | Halen | Zolder | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank |
| 8 | 59 |  | P/X | 09.06.2007 | 07.08.2007 | Averbode | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 9 | 16 |  | P/X | 22.05.2007 | 07.06.2007 | Heverlee | Kessel-Lo | brand new bill - For.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 11 | 49 |  | P/X | 18.06.2007 | 07.08.2007 | Diest | Diest | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 12 | 237 |  | P/X | 18.06.2007 | 11.02.2008 | Diest | Leuven | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. |
| 18 | 16 |  | P/X | 22.05.2007 | 07.06.2007 | Heverlee | Kessel-Lo | brand new bill - For.. | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 23 | 11 |  | P/X | 14.02.2006 | 25.02.2006 | Hasselt | Hasselt | Dexia Bank Hasselt-R.. | Dexia Bank |
| 26 | 80 |  | P/X | 11.02.2006 | 03.05.2006 | Turnhout | Zonhoven | Dexia Bank | ING Bank |
| 27 | 40 |  | P/X | 04.04.2007 | 14.05.2007 | Hasselt | Scherpenheuvel | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. | KBC Bank |
| 30 | 161 |  | P/X | 30.09.2005 | 10.03.2006 | Maastricht | Keerbergen | Texaco Tankstation | Delhaize Supermarkt |
| 34 | 166 |  | P/X | 12.09.2007 | 26.02.2008 | Leuven | Herent | Café De Weerelt | Fortis Bank Herent-S.. |
| 34 | 71 |  | P/X | 12.04.2006 | 23.06.2006 | Hasselt | Halen | Dexia Bank Hasselt-R.. | KBC Bank |
| 34 | 42 |  | P/X | 01.03.2006 | 12.04.2006 | Sint-lambrechts-herk | Kuringen | brand new bill - unc.. | KBC Bank |
| 41 | 462 |  | P/X | 08.03.2006 | 13.06.2007 | Zonhoven | Diest | Dexia Bank | Jet Tankstation |
| 41 | 460 |  | P/X | 20.04.2006 | 25.07.2007 | Herk-de-stad | Leuven | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. |
| 41 | 19 |  | P/X | 07.06.2006 | 26.06.2006 | Kermt | Kortessem | brand new bill - KBC.. | new bill - KBC Bank |
| 50 | 258 |  | P/X | 14.06.2007 | 28.02.2008 | Halen | Tildonk | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 50 | 6 |  | P/X | 23.06.2006 | 30.06.2006 | Herk-de-stad | Diest | brand new bill - KBC.. | KBC Bank |
| 53 | 43 |  | P/X | 29.11.2004 | 12.01.2005 | Emmen | Delfzijl | Europtank Tankstatio.. | Rabobank |
| 55 | 84 |  | P/X | 31.03.2006 | 23.06.2006 | Hasselt | Hasselt | Dexia Bank Hasselt-R.. | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 56 | 26 |  | P/X | 06.04.2006 | 03.05.2006 | Diest | Zonhoven | KBC Bank | Axa Bank |
| 64 | 14 |  | P/X | 28.09.2005 | 13.10.2005 | Kuringen | Kuringen | Jet Tankstation | Fortis Bank |
| 66 | 74 |  | P/X | 24.03.2006 | 07.06.2006 | Paal | Genk | Dexia Bank | Fortis Bank Genk-Box.. |
| 79 | 144 |  | P/X | 23.06.2006 | 14.11.2006 | Diest | Schaffen | KBC Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 91 | 511 |  | P/X | 13.06.2006 | 06.11.2007 | Hasselt | Holsbeek | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. | KBC Bank |
| 23 | 456 |  | R/X | 09.01.2007 | 09.04.2008 | Wilsele | Fürstenau | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. | Volksbank Osnabrück.. |
* | 43 | 787 |  | R/X | 07.04.2006 | 02.06.2008 | Herk-de-stad | Willich | KBC Bank | Sparkasse Krefeld - .. |
| 77 | 744 |  | R/X | 25.02.2006 | 11.03.2008 | Kermt | Leuven | Dexia Bank | KBC Bank Leuven-Sint.. |
| 79 | 723 |  | R/X | 15.12.2004 | 08.12.2006 | Emmen | Halen | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
| 0 | 130 |  | J/S | 08.08.2007 | 17.12.2007 | Limbourg | Leuven | Fortis Banque Limbou.. | McDonalds Restaurant.. |
| 39 | 8 |  | J/S | 19.06.2007 | 27.06.2007 | Leuven | Diest | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. | Fortis Bank |
| 70 | 47 |  | J/S | 08.06.2006 | 26.07.2006 | Hasselt | Hasselt | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 82 | 86 |  | J/S | 10.10.2006 | 05.01.2007 | Diest | Tienen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
| 99 | 217 |  | J/S | 02.08.2007 | 07.03.2008 | Leuven | Glabbeek | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. | Fortis Bank |
| 1 | 6 |  | M/V | 23.02.2008 | 29.02.2008 | Korbeek-Lo | Heverlee | Fortis Bank | KBC Bank Heverlee-Ce.. |
| 10 | 13 |  | M/V | 03.11.2007 | 16.11.2007 | Leuven | Leuven | brand new bill - Unc.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. |
| 37 | 136 |  | M/V | 25.03.2007 | 08.08.2007 | Diest | Aachen | Fortis Bank | Sparkasse Aachen-Ada.. |
| 40 | 134 |  | M/V | 08.08.2007 | 21.12.2007 | Limbourg | Heverlee | Fortis Banque Limbou.. | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
* | 23 | 1 |  | G/P | 31.12.2008 | 01.01.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Super De Boer Superm.. | Taxi De Grote |
Limit for notes apart: smaller than 100. Note pairs entered on the same day won't be shown.
Extra for EBT grandpas and grandmas: Maximum days between near notes
| Notes apart | Days apart | Value | Combo | First date | Second date | First location | Second location | First comment | Second comment |
** | 7990 | 1744 |  | G/P | 13.06.2004 | 24.03.2009 | Oudleusen | Emmen | Camping De Stuwe | Super De Boer Superm.. |
** | 2720 | 1720 |  | P/X | 30.07.2004 | 16.04.2009 | Emmercompascuum | Emmen | C1000 Supermarkt | Aldi Supermarkt |
** | 1117 | 1656 |  | P/P | 12.08.2004 | 23.02.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 5640 | 1647 |  | G/P | 10.08.2004 | 12.02.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | new bill - Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 926 | 1641 |  | P/P | 13.09.2004 | 13.03.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 8307 | 1631 |  | P/X | 16.09.2004 | 06.03.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 8295 | 1627 |  | P/X | 10.11.2004 | 25.04.2009 | Emmen | Hardenberg | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 2238 | 1620 |  | G/P | 24.11.2004 | 03.05.2009 | Emmen | Zwolle | Rabobank | Parkeren Heaven on E.. |
* | 9729 | 1616 |  | G/P | 19.07.2004 | 22.12.2008 | Emmen | Emmen | very wrinkled - Rabo.. | Rabobank |
** | 5771 | 1603 |  | P/X | 09.12.2004 | 01.05.2009 | Emmen | Emlichheim | Bentex Fashion | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
** | 8621 | 1593 |  | P/X | 20.12.2004 | 01.05.2009 | Klazienaveen | Emlichheim | Rabobank | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
** | 7984 | 1580 |  | G/P | 24.11.2004 | 24.03.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | ING Bank |
** | 7996 | 1575 |  | F/N | 06.01.2005 | 01.05.2009 | Emmen | Emlichheim | Rabobank | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
** | 9989 | 1568 |  | P/X | 02.12.2004 | 20.03.2009 | Westerbork | Emmen | Rabobank | ING Bank |
** | 3727 | 1565 |  | G/P | 24.01.2005 | 08.05.2009 | Emmen | Emlichheim | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
** | 2779 | 1564 |  | G/P | 20.12.2004 | 02.04.2009 | Klazienaveen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
*** | 7019 | 1562 |  | P/X | 03.02.2005 | 16.05.2009 | Emmen | Nordhorn | Xenos Voordeelwinkel.. | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
** | 9715 | 1559 |  | G/P | 19.01.2005 | 28.04.2009 | Emmen | Emlichheim | Rabobank | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
** | 7304 | 1557 |  | P/X | 07.12.2004 | 13.03.2009 | Nieuw weerdinge | Emmen | brand new bill - Rab.. | Fortis Bank |
** | 8878 | 1555 |  | P/X | 25.01.2005 | 29.04.2009 | Beilen | Twist | Rabobank | Emsländische Volksb.. |
** | 5659 | 1550 |  | P/X | 24.01.2005 | 23.04.2009 | Beilen | Emlichheim | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
* | 976 | 1547 |  | G/P | 05.10.2004 | 31.12.2008 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | Super De Boer Superm.. |
** | 8255 | 1536 |  | P/X | 17.01.2005 | 02.04.2009 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 6215 | 1533 |  | L/U | 03.02.2005 | 17.04.2009 | Emmercompascuum | Emlichheim | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
** | 1146 | 1522 |  | P/X | 21.01.2005 | 24.03.2009 | Odoorn | Emmen | Rabobank | ING Bank |
** | 2865 | 1510 |  | G/P | 15.01.2005 | 05.03.2009 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 1560 | 1503 |  | G/P | 27.01.2005 | 11.03.2009 | Erica | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 3093 | 1501 |  | P/X | 14.01.2005 | 23.02.2009 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 5602 | 1500 |  | G/P | 16.12.2004 | 25.01.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | brand new bill - Rab.. | Rabobank |
* | 3948 | 1496 |  | P/X | 12.11.2004 | 18.12.2008 | Hoogeveen | Emmen | Rabobank | Aldi Supermarkt |
* | 3708 | 1495 |  | G/P | 30.12.2004 | 03.02.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 1605 | 1494 |  | G/P | 19.02.2005 | 24.03.2009 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | ING Bank |
** | 6073 | 1485 |  | P/X | 17.02.2005 | 13.03.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | ABN AMRO Bank | Fortis Bank |
* | 8709 | 1481 |  | G/P | 21.08.2004 | 11.09.2008 | Emmen | Coevorden | Rabobank | Albert Hein Supermar.. |
*** | 461 | 1480 |  | G/P | 23.04.2005 | 13.05.2009 | Emmen | Emlichheim | Tuincentrum Timmer u.. | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
** | 3403 | 1480 |  | P/P | 03.02.2005 | 23.02.2009 | Emmercompascuum | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 1664 | 1474 |  | G/P | 12.01.2005 | 25.01.2009 | Baflo | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 2399 | 1468 |  | G/P | 25.01.2005 | 01.02.2009 | Coevorden | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 4819 | 1468 |  | R/X | 28.10.2004 | 04.11.2008 | Beilen | Nordhorn | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
* | 2284 | 1461 |  | G/P | 25.01.2005 | 25.01.2009 | Dalen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 3752 | 1459 |  | P/X | 07.05.2005 | 05.05.2009 | Emmen | Rütenbrock | Bloemencentrum Jo Zw.. | Volksbank Emstal |
* | 3662 | 1457 |  | G/P | 14.08.2004 | 11.08.2008 | Delfzijl | Emmen | brand new bill - Alb.. | Super De Boer Superm.. |
** | 4637 | 1441 |  | G/P | 23.05.2005 | 03.05.2009 | Emmen | Zwolle | Super De Boer Superm.. | Parkeren Heaven on E.. |
* | 8427 | 1434 |  | G/P | 08.07.2004 | 11.06.2008 | Emmen | Achel | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 3918 | 1433 |  | P/X | 01.07.2004 | 04.06.2008 | Emmen | Mönchengladbach | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
* | 7523 | 1432 |  | P/X | 09.08.2004 | 11.07.2008 | Staphorst | Füssen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Allgäu - .. |
* | 111 | 1432 |  | P/X | 01.07.2004 | 02.06.2008 | Oude Pekela | Düsseldorf | De Wichter Post Offi.. | Dresdner Bank - Gesc.. |
* | 6860 | 1428 |  | G/P | 24.01.2005 | 22.12.2008 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 9120 | 1427 |  | P/X | 30.06.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Musselkanaal | Großvernich | The Readshop Post Of.. | Kreissparkasse Euski.. |
* | 3218 | 1411 |  | L/U | 25.12.2004 | 06.11.2008 | Beilen | Emmen | Rabobank | Trekpleister Drogist.. |
* | 1482 | 1405 |  | P/X | 28.07.2004 | 02.06.2008 | Beilen | Düsseldorf | Rabobank | Dresdner Bank - Gesc.. |
* | 7619 | 1393 |  | P/X | 16.04.2005 | 07.02.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Gamma Bouwmarkt | Rabobank |
* | 2508 | 1392 |  | L/U | 12.08.2004 | 04.06.2008 | Emmen | Mönchengladbach | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
* | 4586 | 1390 |  | G/P | 31.12.2004 | 21.10.2008 | Emmen | Zwolle | Rabobank | Parkeren Lego World .. |
* | 4735 | 1389 |  | P/X | 30.08.2004 | 19.06.2008 | Emmen | Wilhelmshaven | Rabobank | Dresdner Bank |
* | 5924 | 1381 |  | G/P | 09.08.2004 | 21.05.2008 | Nieuwleusen | Aachen | old & wrinkled - Rab.. | Dresdner Bank Filial.. |
* | 8678 | 1379 |  | P/X | 31.12.2004 | 10.10.2008 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Eierhandel Wegdam & .. |
** | 5360 | 1374 |  | P/X | 28.07.2005 | 03.05.2009 | Koersel | Zwolle | Cash Fresh Supermark.. | Parkeren Heaven on E.. |
* | 8359 | 1373 |  | G/P | 07.09.2004 | 11.06.2008 | Emmen | Leopoldsburg | brand new bill - Rab.. | KBC Bank |
* | 4357 | 1373 |  | P/X | 07.10.2004 | 11.07.2008 | Beilen | Garmisch-Partenkirchen | Rabobank | Dresdner Bank |
| 6407 | 1367 |  | P/X | 02.06.2004 | 29.02.2008 | Coevorden | Tienen | Post Office | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
* | 8398 | 1363 |  | G/P | 26.08.2004 | 20.05.2008 | Emmen | Aachen | new bill - Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
* | 4538 | 1358 |  | P/X | 10.09.2004 | 30.05.2008 | Emmen | Aachen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
* | 6531 | 1355 |  | P/X | 23.09.2004 | 10.06.2008 | Annen | Wassenberg | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Heins.. |
| 3017 | 1355 |  | P/X | 30.07.2004 | 15.04.2008 | Emmercompascuum | Heverlee | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
** | 2985 | 1352 |  | J/S | 20.06.2005 | 03.03.2009 | Rombach | Emmen | Total Tankstation Ma.. | Fortis Bank |
| 8922 | 1345 |  | G/P | 10.09.2004 | 17.05.2008 | Emmen | Bekkevoort | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 1942 | 1345 |  | G/P | 04.01.2005 | 11.09.2008 | Klazienaveen | Coevorden | Rabobank | Albert Hein Supermar.. |
* | 4443 | 1341 |  | G/P | 14.10.2004 | 16.06.2008 | Coevorden | Menden | Rabobank | Sparkasse Menden-Hau.. |
* | 3106 | 1341 |  | P/X | 23.09.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Emmen | Düren | Rabobank | Commerzbank |
* | 5383 | 1336 |  | L/U | 07.10.2004 | 04.06.2008 | Beilen | Mönchengladbach | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
* | 2097 | 1335 |  | P/X | 06.11.2004 | 03.07.2008 | Emmen | Rütenbrock | Rabobank | Sparkasse Emsland - .. |
* | 3003 | 1332 |  | G/P | 08.12.2004 | 02.08.2008 | Emmen | KoÄevje | Rabobank | Petrol Tankstation |
* | 2513 | 1331 |  | P/X | 24.10.2004 | 16.06.2008 | Beilen | Heiligenhaus | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Düss.. |
** | 4270 | 1331 |  | P/X | 16.08.2005 | 08.04.2009 | Auetal | Nieuw Amsterdam | A2 Aral Tankstelle A.. | Rabobank |
* | 646 | 1330 |  | G/P | 05.10.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Uithuizermeeden | Kreuzau | Rabobank | Sparkasse Düren - G.. |
| 4752 | 1329 |  | G/P | 25.05.2004 | 15.01.2008 | Emmen | Leuven | new bill unwrinkled | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
* | 1280 | 1322 |  | G/P | 01.11.2004 | 15.06.2008 | Emmen | Aachen | Rabobank | Plus Supermarkt |
* | 7811 | 1321 |  | F/N | 20.12.2004 | 02.08.2008 | Emmen | Krumbach | Super De Boer Superm.. | IQ Diskont Tankstati.. |
| 3378 | 1317 |  | G/P | 03.06.2004 | 12.01.2008 | Emmen | Heverlee | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
* | 230 | 1315 |  | L/U | 09.11.2004 | 16.06.2008 | Klazienaveen | Menden | Rabobank | Sparkasse Menden-Hau.. |
* | 7632 | 1315 |  | P/X | 08.12.2004 | 16.07.2008 | Emmen | Kranjska Gora | Rabobank | Gorenjska Banka |
* | 9581 | 1314 |  | P/X | 01.12.2004 | 07.07.2008 | Emmen | Bocholt | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Bocho.. |
* | 9470 | 1311 |  | P/X | 15.11.2004 | 18.06.2008 | Emmen | Twistringen | Rabobank | Volksbank Vechta |
| 8864 | 1310 |  | G/P | 09.08.2004 | 11.03.2008 | Ommen | Herent | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 7357 | 1309 |  | G/P | 25.10.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Beilen | Düren | Rabobank | Commerzbank |
* | 9902 | 1307 |  | L/U | 08.12.2004 | 07.07.2008 | Emmen | Bocholt | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Bocho.. |
* | 5743 | 1302 |  | L/U | 02.11.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Emmen | Düren | Rabobank | Commerzbank |
* | 7659 | 1302 |  | P/X | 10.11.2004 | 04.06.2008 | Emmen | Mönchengladbach | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
* | 3188 | 1300 |  | G/P | 24.11.2004 | 16.06.2008 | Emmen | Menden | Rabobank | Sparkasse Menden-Hau.. |
* | 8910 | 1299 |  | G/P | 06.11.2004 | 28.05.2008 | Emmen | Eschweiler | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
* | 2094 | 1299 |  | P/X | 19.11.2004 | 10.06.2008 | Emmen | Wassenberg | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Heins.. |
* | 7335 | 1293 |  | P/X | 23.12.2004 | 09.07.2008 | Emmen | Rüdesheim am Rhein | Rabobank | Rheingauer Volksbank.. |
| 2026 | 1290 |  | P/P | 13.09.2004 | 27.03.2008 | Emmen | Nieuw Amsterdam | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 7812 | 1289 |  | G/P | 16.08.2004 | 26.02.2008 | Emmen | Herent | very wrinkled - Rabo.. | brand new bill - KBC.. |
* | 5526 | 1287 |  | G/P | 02.12.2004 | 11.06.2008 | Westerbork | Achel | new bill - Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 2569 | 1284 |  | G/P | 05.12.2004 | 12.06.2008 | Beilen | 's Gravenvoeren | brand new bill - Rab.. | KBC Bank |
* | 2387 | 1283 |  | G/P | 17.11.2004 | 23.05.2008 | Emmen | Tienen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Tienen-K.. |
* | 3379 | 1283 |  | P/X | 29.11.2004 | 04.06.2008 | Emmen | Mönchengladbach | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
* | 6639 | 1282 |  | G/P | 02.12.2004 | 06.06.2008 | Westerbork | Alken | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
| 5580 | 1280 |  | G/P | 18.07.2004 | 19.01.2008 | Zuidwolde | Korbeek-Lo | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 6890 | 1279 |  | P/X | 31.01.2005 | 02.08.2008 | Emmen | Neusiedl am See | Rabobank | BP Tankstation |
* | 732 | 1276 |  | P/X | 21.12.2004 | 19.06.2008 | Emmen | Wilhelmshaven | Rabobank | Dresdner Bank |
* | 2698 | 1275 |  | G/P | 29.11.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Emmen | Gressenich | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
* | 4042 | 1270 |  | G/P | 20.12.2004 | 12.06.2008 | Emmen | Riemst | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 5974 | 1269 |  | P/X | 05.12.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Beilen | Aachen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 3625 | 1269 |  | G/P | 07.09.2004 | 28.02.2008 | Emmen | Tildonk | Albert Hein Supermar.. | Fortis Bank |
* | 9876 | 1266 |  | G/P | 30.12.2004 | 19.06.2008 | Emmen | Varel | Rabobank | Landessparkasse zu O.. |
* | 2458 | 1266 |  | P/X | 08.12.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Emmen | Bütgenbach | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 7457 | 1264 |  | J/S | 16.12.2004 | 02.06.2008 | Emmen | Düsseldorf | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Düss.. |
* | 4532 | 1260 |  | G/P | 28.12.2004 | 10.06.2008 | Beilen | Wassenberg | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Heins.. |
* | 148 | 1260 |  | P/X | 20.12.2004 | 02.06.2008 | Emmen | Osterath | new bill - Rabobank | Plus Supermarkt |
* | 7014 | 1257 |  | P/X | 28.12.2004 | 07.06.2008 | Beilen | Maasmechelen | old & worn - Raboban.. | KBC Bank |
* | 4912 | 1256 |  | G/P | 28.12.2004 | 07.06.2008 | Emmen | Maasmechelen | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 4793 | 1254 |  | G/P | 19.12.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Emmen | Aachen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 8780 | 1253 |  | P/X | 30.06.2004 | 05.12.2007 | Musselkanaal | Eupen | The Readshop Post Of.. | Tea-Room Sucré SalÃ.. |
| 8898 | 1252 |  | G/P | 20.08.2004 | 24.01.2008 | Erm | Leuven | Aardappelboer Dobben.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 3842 | 1252 |  | G/P | 03.12.2004 | 09.05.2008 | Emmen | Emmen | torn in 2 - fixed wi.. | Rabobank |
* | 4871 | 1250 |  | R/X | 04.02.2005 | 08.07.2008 | Emmen | Koblenz | Vishandel Tonny Zieg.. | Sparkasse Koblenz - .. |
* | 8051 | 1248 |  | P/X | 25.12.2004 | 27.05.2008 | Beilen | Aachen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 6671 | 1244 |  | P/X | 14.10.2004 | 12.03.2008 | Coevorden | Heverlee | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 2892 | 1243 |  | G/P | 14.10.2004 | 10.03.2008 | Coevorden | Aachen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 5462 | 1242 |  | R/X | 24.07.2004 | 18.12.2007 | Emlichheim | Diest | Extra Supermarkt | Fortis Bank |
* | 3032 | 1241 |  | P/X | 22.01.2005 | 17.06.2008 | Beilen | Schieder | Rabobank | Sparkasse Detmold - .. |
| 8122 | 1240 |  | G/P | 19.08.2004 | 11.01.2008 | Emmen | Leuven | new bill - ABN AMRO .. | Fortis Bank Leuven-S.. |
| 1191 | 1238 |  | G/P | 10.08.2004 | 01.01.2008 | Emmen | Lelystad | Rabobank | A6 Total Tankstation.. |
| 3392 | 1238 |  | G/P | 12.10.2004 | 04.03.2008 | Emmen | Schaffen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 512 | 1237 |  | G/P | 14.01.2005 | 04.06.2008 | Beilen | Mönchengladbach | Rabobank | Stadtsparkasse Mönc.. |
| 4294 | 1236 |  | P/X | 29.12.2004 | 19.05.2008 | Emmen | Eschweiler | Rabobank | Commerzbank |
| 294 | 1235 |  | G/P | 09.08.2004 | 27.12.2007 | Staphorst | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 868 | 1234 |  | G/P | 16.01.2005 | 03.06.2008 | Beilen | Krefeld | Rabobank | Sparkasse Krefeld - .. |
| 4094 | 1232 |  | G/P | 04.11.2004 | 20.03.2008 | Emmen | Horstmar | Rabobank | Volksbank Laer-Horst.. |
* | 840 | 1231 |  | G/P | 12.01.2005 | 27.05.2008 | Klazienaveen | Großvernich | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Euski.. |
* | 4511 | 1229 |  | G/P | 14.01.2005 | 27.05.2008 | Beilen | Großvernich | Rabobank | Kreissparkasse Euski.. |
| 2115 | 1225 |  | G/P | 17.11.2004 | 27.03.2008 | Beilen | Nieuw Amsterdam | Rabobank | Rabobank |
* | 258 | 1225 |  | G/P | 03.02.2005 | 12.06.2008 | Emmen | Riemst | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
** | 4947 | 1225 |  | P/X | 03.12.2005 | 11.04.2009 | Beringen-mijn | Schoonebeek | Fortis Bank | C1000 Supermarkt |
| 6440 | 1224 |  | G/P | 14.10.2004 | 21.02.2008 | Coevorden | Wilsele | new bill - Rabobank | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
| 8149 | 1222 |  | G/P | 18.07.2004 | 22.11.2007 | Dalfsen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
* | 2672 | 1221 |  | G/P | 06.02.2005 | 11.06.2008 | Beilen | Leopoldsburg | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
| 339 | 1221 |  | G/P | 12.10.2004 | 15.02.2008 | Emmen | Anderlecht | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Anderlec.. |
* | 8314 | 1218 |  | G/P | 03.02.2005 | 06.06.2008 | Emmen | Kuringen | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 3646 | 1218 |  | G/P | 25.01.2005 | 27.05.2008 | Dalen | Büllingen | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 3792 | 1217 |  | P/X | 27.01.2005 | 28.05.2008 | Emmen | Aldenhoven | Rabobank | Sparkasse Düren - G.. |
* | 3261 | 1215 |  | G/P | 03.02.2005 | 03.06.2008 | Emmercompascuum | Krefeld | Rabobank | Sparkasse Krefeld - .. |
** | 8216 | 1215 |  | P/X | 30.10.2005 | 26.02.2009 | Diepenbeek | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank ATM in Sche.. |
| 5986 | 1213 |  | F/N | 01.09.2004 | 28.12.2007 | Emmen | Haren | Plusmarkt Sandur Sup.. | Emsländische Volksb.. |
| 2570 | 1212 |  | P/X | 16.09.2004 | 11.01.2008 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 7849 | 1212 |  | P/X | 07.10.2004 | 01.02.2008 | Beilen | Herent | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 5227 | 1211 |  | P/X | 02.02.2005 | 28.05.2008 | Beilen | Aldenhoven | Rabobank | Sparkasse Düren - G.. |
* | 8647 | 1210 |  | P/X | 02.02.2005 | 27.05.2008 | Beilen | Düren | Rabobank | Commerzbank |
| 4932 | 1209 |  | G/P | 17.11.2004 | 10.03.2008 | Beilen | Aachen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 8935 | 1208 |  | F/N | 22.10.2004 | 12.02.2008 | Klazienaveen | Ieper | new bill - Rabobank | Fortis Bank Ieper-Ce.. |
** | 5091 | 1208 |  | L/U | 06.01.2006 | 29.04.2009 | Diest | Twist | Fortis Bank | Emsländische Volksb.. |
| 5308 | 1208 |  | P/X | 09.12.2004 | 01.04.2008 | Emmen | Ter Apel | Rabobank | Jumbo Supermarkt |
| 1223 | 1207 |  | P/X | 27.01.2005 | 19.05.2008 | Emmen | Eschweiler | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
| 3959 | 1206 |  | P/X | 27.01.2005 | 17.05.2008 | Beilen | Bekkevoort | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
* | 1876 | 1205 |  | L/U | 31.01.2005 | 20.05.2008 | Klazienaveen | Aachen | brand new bill - Rab.. | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
* | 7876 | 1204 |  | P/X | 31.01.2005 | 19.05.2008 | Beilen | Aachen | Rabobank | Deutsche Bank - Gesc.. |
** | 8469 | 1202 |  | G/P | 25.11.2005 | 11.03.2009 | Hasselt | Emmen | Q8 Tankstation | ING Bank |
| 4034 | 1201 |  | G/P | 24.01.2005 | 09.05.2008 | Beilen | Emmen | wrinkled - Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 1140 | 1195 |  | G/P | 29.01.2005 | 09.05.2008 | Emmen | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 1540 | 1193 |  | G/P | 13.09.2004 | 20.12.2007 | Hooghalen | Leuven | CoopCompact Supermar.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 3664 | 1192 |  | P/X | 09.12.2004 | 16.03.2008 | Emmen | Aach | new bill - Rabobank | Creativ Gastronomie .. |
** | 5096 | 1189 |  | G/P | 07.12.2005 | 11.03.2009 | Kermt | Emmen | Postkantoor | ING Bank |
| 3010 | 1185 |  | G/P | 13.12.2004 | 12.03.2008 | Schoonebeek | Heverlee | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
| 2646 | 1180 |  | G/P | 09.08.2004 | 02.11.2007 | Beilen | Kapelle-op-den-Bos | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 5787 | 1179 |  | F/N | 04.11.2005 | 27.01.2009 | Alken | Emmen | Trichet signature - .. | Fortis Bank |
| 6316 | 1172 |  | G/P | 14.12.2004 | 29.02.2008 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 977 | 1164 |  | G/P | 05.01.2005 | 14.03.2008 | Schoonebeek | Grevenmacher | brand new bill - Rab.. | Fortis Banque |
| 837 | 1163 |  | G/P | 04.11.2004 | 11.01.2008 | Emmen | Halen | corner of bill torn .. | KBC Bank |
| 6219 | 1163 |  | G/P | 24.11.2004 | 01.02.2008 | Emmen | Herent | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
| 668 | 1163 |  | G/P | 20.08.2004 | 27.10.2007 | Emmen | Alken | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 5724 | 1161 |  | G/P | 12.10.2004 | 18.12.2007 | Emmen | Kessel-Lo | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 1938 | 1160 |  | P/X | 16.10.2004 | 20.12.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
** | 2194 | 1158 |  | P/P | 07.03.2006 | 08.05.2009 | Beringen | Emlichheim | Fortis Bank | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
| 5191 | 1157 |  | P/X | 09.08.2004 | 11.10.2007 | Emmen | Wilsele | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
| 573 | 1157 |  | G/P | 27.12.2004 | 28.02.2008 | Nieuw amsterdam | Tildonk | new bill - '9' writt.. | Fortis Bank |
| 9451 | 1157 |  | P/X | 24.11.2004 | 26.01.2008 | Emmen | Korbeek-Lo | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 561 | 1154 |  | P/X | 08.04.2005 | 05.06.2008 | Raalte | Hasselt | Texaco Tankstation | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 9715 | 1150 |  | G/P | 26.12.2004 | 19.02.2008 | Emmen | Aachen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 1209 | 1149 |  | P/X | 30.08.2004 | 23.10.2007 | Meppen | Mechelen | Discothek Bridge | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. |
| 6449 | 1148 |  | G/P | 16.09.2004 | 08.11.2007 | Nieuw amsterdam | Haacht | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
** | 7385 | 1146 |  | P/X | 05.01.2006 | 25.02.2009 | Kermt | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 305 | 1145 |  | F/N | 26.11.2004 | 15.01.2008 | Nieuw amsterdam | Kessel-Lo | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 1693 | 1145 |  | P/X | 21.08.2004 | 10.10.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | very old & worn bill.. | my 90.000th bill! - .. |
| 1981 | 1144 |  | P/P | 29.10.2004 | 18.12.2007 | Klazienaveen | Kessel-Lo | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Kessel-L.. |
| 1019 | 1143 |  | G/P | 21.09.2004 | 08.11.2007 | Coevorden | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 1308 | 1143 |  | G/P | 21.09.2004 | 08.11.2007 | Coevorden | Haacht | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 4599 | 1141 |  | G/P | 10.09.2004 | 26.10.2007 | Emmen | Tienen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 3365 | 1140 |  | G/P | 15.01.2005 | 29.02.2008 | Beilen | Werchter | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
| 395 | 1138 |  | G/P | 24.10.2004 | 06.12.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 832 | 1137 |  | P/X | 14.11.2004 | 27.12.2007 | Beilen | Emlichheim | Rabobank | Grafschafter Volksba.. |
* | 747 | 1136 |  | G/P | 09.04.2005 | 20.05.2008 | Emmen | Aachen | Kruidvat Drogist | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
| 1505 | 1135 |  | R/X | 17.01.2005 | 26.02.2008 | Emmen | Herent | SNS Bank Moneybox Pa.. | Fortis Bank Herent-S.. |
** | 8107 | 1133 |  | L/U | 10.03.2006 | 17.04.2009 | Steenokkerzeel | Emlichheim | Dexia Bank | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
** | 4434 | 1131 |  | G/P | 25.02.2006 | 02.04.2009 | Hechtel | Emmen | from customer who pu.. | Rabobank |
| 3052 | 1131 |  | G/P | 03.06.2004 | 09.07.2007 | Emmen | Diest | Autorama | Fortis Bank |
** | 543 | 1131 |  | L/U | 23.03.2006 | 28.04.2009 | Scherpenheuvel | Emlichheim | Fortis Bank | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
| 1495 | 1129 |  | G/P | 14.10.2004 | 18.11.2007 | Coevorden | Vilvoorde | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Vilvoord.. |
** | 7052 | 1128 |  | F/N | 14.03.2006 | 16.04.2009 | Hasselt | Emlichheim | torn in 2 - fixed wi.. | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
** | 4771 | 1128 |  | P/X | 23.01.2006 | 24.02.2009 | Emmen | Emmen | Europtank Tankstatio.. | ING Bank |
** | 4297 | 1127 |  | P/X | 02.04.2006 | 03.05.2009 | Genk | Zwolle | Dexia Bank | Parkeren Heaven on E.. |
| 6467 | 1127 |  | R/X | 21.01.2005 | 22.02.2008 | Emmen | Tildonk | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 202 | 1125 |  | F/N | 10.11.2004 | 10.12.2007 | Emmen | Oberhausen | Rabobank | SEB Bank |
| 7780 | 1125 |  | G/P | 14.10.2004 | 13.11.2007 | Coevorden | Korbeek-Lo | Rabobank | very wrinkled, worn .. |
** | 840 | 1123 |  | L/U | 03.04.2006 | 01.05.2009 | Heusden | Emlichheim | Fortis Bank | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
| 1328 | 1122 |  | G/P | 06.11.2004 | 03.12.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Ž18Žwritten in red.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 9965 | 1121 |  | F/N | 09.11.2004 | 05.12.2007 | Jüchen | Eupen | Albert & Anita | Fortis Bank Eupen-Go.. |
| 2748 | 1120 |  | P/X | 16.09.2004 | 11.10.2007 | Nieuw amsterdam | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 1764 | 1119 |  | P/P | 28.10.2004 | 21.11.2007 | Emmen | Schaffen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 4557 | 1118 |  | F/N | 22.10.2004 | 15.11.2007 | Klazienaveen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
** | 1361 | 1118 |  | G/P | 24.03.2006 | 16.04.2009 | Gembloux | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 3839 | 1118 |  | R/X | 23.02.2005 | 17.03.2008 | Elim | Aachen | Plus Supermarkt | Luna Schnellrestaura.. |
| 4235 | 1116 |  | G/P | 21.12.2004 | 11.01.2008 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 768 | 1116 |  | G/P | 20.07.2004 | 10.08.2007 | Emmen | Wilsele | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Wilsele-.. |
| 7426 | 1113 |  | P/X | 16.11.2004 | 04.12.2007 | Beilen | Diest | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 4168 | 1112 |  | G/P | 26.05.2005 | 11.06.2008 | Emlichheim | Leopoldsburg | Holländischer Imbis.. | KBC Bank |
| 6245 | 1111 |  | G/P | 16.12.2004 | 01.01.2008 | Emmen | Lelystad | new bill - Rabobank | A6 Total Tankstation.. |
** | 6300 | 1109 |  | G/P | 10.03.2006 | 24.03.2009 | Paal | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
** | 6444 | 1109 |  | L/U | 03.04.2006 | 17.04.2009 | Beringen | Emlichheim | Trichet signature - .. | Kreissparkasse Grafs.. |
| 6396 | 1101 |  | P/X | 28.07.2004 | 03.08.2007 | Emmen | Wespelaar | Rabobank | Spar Supermarkt |
| 6650 | 1099 |  | G/P | 16.12.2004 | 20.12.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 2555 | 1097 |  | G/P | 04.11.2004 | 06.11.2007 | Emmen | Rotselaar | Rabobank | ING Bank |
| 6549 | 1097 |  | P/X | 08.12.2004 | 10.12.2007 | Emmen | Herne | new bill - Rabobank | Herner Sparkasse - N.. |
* | 5081 | 1097 |  | J/S | 22.12.2005 | 24.12.2008 | Genk | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Floressence Bloemen |
| 514 | 1095 |  | P/P | 12.01.2005 | 12.01.2008 | Winsum | Heverlee | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
| 8188 | 1094 |  | P/X | 12.06.2004 | 11.06.2007 | Zwolle | Diest | NS Railway Station | Fortis Bank |
| 1763 | 1094 |  | P/X | 21.12.2004 | 20.12.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 3760 | 1091 |  | G/P | 16.12.2004 | 13.12.2007 | Emmen | Haacht | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 8318 | 1090 |  | G/P | 16.01.2005 | 11.01.2008 | Beilen | Halen | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
| 7060 | 1086 |  | G/P | 09.08.2004 | 31.07.2007 | Ommen | Diest | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 1111 | 1084 |  | G/P | 29.01.2005 | 19.01.2008 | Emmen | Korbeek-Lo | Europtank Tankstatio.. | Fortis Bank |
** | 1829 | 1084 |  | G/P | 24.03.2006 | 13.03.2009 | Gembloux | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 7679 | 1084 |  | P/X | 23.09.2004 | 13.09.2007 | Emmen | Heverlee | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Heverlee.. |
* | 5246 | 1083 |  | G/P | 02.06.2005 | 20.05.2008 | Emmen | Aachen | Super De Boer Superm.. | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
* | 1599 | 1082 |  | P/X | 17.10.2005 | 04.10.2008 | Kuringen | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Lidl Supermarkt |
| 2198 | 1081 |  | G/P | 25.01.2005 | 11.01.2008 | Beilen | Scherpenheuvel | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 359 | 1081 |  | L/U | 24.06.2005 | 10.06.2008 | Emmercompascuum | Aachen | brand new bill - Rab.. | Sparkasse Aachen - G.. |
| 3449 | 1079 |  | P/X | 20.07.2004 | 04.07.2007 | Emmen | Schaffen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 1476 | 1078 |  | G/P | 03.01.2005 | 18.12.2007 | Coevorden | Herent | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Herent-S.. |
** | 773 | 1076 |  | G/P | 02.04.2006 | 13.03.2009 | Genk | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 8635 | 1076 |  | P/X | 24.01.2005 | 05.01.2008 | Emmen | Alken | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 1026 | 1075 |  | G/P | 25.12.2004 | 06.12.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
* | 1264 | 1074 |  | P/X | 24.06.2005 | 02.06.2008 | Emmercompascuum | Düsseldorf | Rabobank | Dresdner Bank - Gesc.. |
| 1690 | 1072 |  | G/P | 26.10.2004 | 03.10.2007 | Ter apel | Herent | Rabobank | KBC Bank |
** | 1453 | 1072 |  | P/X | 01.06.2006 | 09.05.2009 | Lanaken | Emlichheim | Dexia Bank | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
| 1448 | 1072 |  | R/X | 03.02.2005 | 11.01.2008 | Emmen | Paal | Xenos Voordeelwinkel.. | KBC Bank |
| 6787 | 1071 |  | G/P | 05.01.2005 | 13.12.2007 | Schoonebeek | Haacht | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 5287 | 1071 |  | P/P | 17.08.2004 | 24.07.2007 | Beilen | Mechelen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Mechelen.. |
| 2456 | 1071 |  | P/X | 29.10.2004 | 05.10.2007 | Klazienaveen | Boortmeerbeek | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 3980 | 1070 |  | P/X | 12.07.2005 | 16.06.2008 | Hasselt | Ardey | Blokker Warenhuis | Volksbank Unna - Ges.. |
| 634 | 1069 |  | G/P | 05.01.2005 | 10.12.2007 | Beilen | Ittervoort | Rabobank | Total Tankstation |
** | 8301 | 1066 |  | P/X | 06.06.2006 | 08.05.2009 | Zonhoven | Schoonebeek | Dexia Bank | Rabobank |
| 3213 | 1065 |  | G/P | 04.01.2005 | 05.12.2007 | Klazienaveen | Eupen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Eupen-Go.. |
| 9331 | 1065 |  | P/X | 09.11.2004 | 10.10.2007 | Klazienaveen | Leuven | Rabobank | my 90.000th bill! - .. |
| 8958 | 1064 |  | P/X | 09.08.2004 | 09.07.2007 | Dalfsen | Diest | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 5844 | 1063 |  | P/X | 29.11.2004 | 29.10.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 7636 | 1062 |  | G/P | 17.11.2004 | 16.10.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
** | 2911 | 1062 |  | L/U | 19.05.2006 | 16.04.2009 | Bree | Emmen | Trichet signature - .. | Rabobank |
** | 6295 | 1062 |  | G/P | 08.04.2006 | 05.03.2009 | Leende | Emmen | Plus Supermarkt | ING Bank |
| 7364 | 1062 |  | G/P | 25.11.2004 | 24.10.2007 | Emmen | Wezembeek-Oppem | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
** | 7022 | 1061 |  | P/X | 22.05.2006 | 18.04.2009 | Maastricht | Emmen | Primera Tabaks- en G.. | ING Bank |
| 8937 | 1058 |  | G/P | 12.01.2005 | 06.12.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Primera Tabaks- en G.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
** | 6811 | 1058 |  | L/U | 30.04.2006 | 24.03.2009 | Paal | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 7019 | 1058 |  | P/P | 17.08.2004 | 11.07.2007 | Beilen | Hamme-Mille | Rabobank | Fortis Banque |
| 3356 | 1057 |  | G/P | 14.12.2004 | 06.11.2007 | Emmen | Rotselaar | new bill - Rabobank | ING Bank |
| 1837 | 1057 |  | G/P | 02.02.2005 | 27.12.2007 | Nieuw amsterdam | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 2287 | 1056 |  | G/P | 20.07.2004 | 11.06.2007 | Klazienaveen | Scherpenheuvel | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 902 | 1055 |  | P/P | 12.01.2005 | 03.12.2007 | Baflo | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
** | 7585 | 1053 |  | G/P | 21.06.2006 | 09.05.2009 | Hasselt | Emlichheim | Fortis Bank | Oldenburgische Lande.. |
| 2388 | 1052 |  | G/P | 14.06.2004 | 02.05.2007 | Emmen | Tielt-Winge | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 3163 | 1052 |  | G/P | 14.06.2004 | 02.05.2007 | Emmen | Tielt-Winge | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 1299 | 1051 |  | P/P | 16.09.2004 | 03.08.2007 | Emmen | Werchter | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 7409 | 1050 |  | G/P | 24.06.2005 | 09.05.2008 | Emmercompascuum | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
| 9408 | 1050 |  | P/X | 09.08.2004 | 26.06.2007 | Staphorst | Meppen | Rabobank | Emsländische Volksb.. |
** | 9114 | 1050 |  | F/N | 19.04.2006 | 05.03.2009 | Paal | Emmen | Trichet signature - .. | ING Bank |
* | 462 | 1050 |  | P/X | 11.07.2005 | 27.05.2008 | Hasselt | Vettweiß | Frituur Fritz & Co | Sparkasse Düren - G.. |
| 1203 | 1048 |  | G/P | 03.01.2005 | 18.11.2007 | Coevorden | Vilvoorde | new bill - Rabobank | Fortis Bank Vilvoord.. |
| 1586 | 1048 |  | L/U | 31.12.2004 | 15.11.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
* | 4756 | 1048 |  | P/X | 20.08.2005 | 03.07.2008 | Helsinki | Rütenbrock | Aktia Säästöpankk.. | Sparkasse Emsland - .. |
| 7678 | 1047 |  | G/P | 13.12.2004 | 26.10.2007 | Nieuw amsterdam | Haacht | brand new bill - Rab.. | Fortis Bank |
| 7810 | 1047 |  | G/P | 17.09.2004 | 31.07.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
* | 7862 | 1046 |  | G/P | 22.07.2005 | 03.06.2008 | Nieuw amsterdam | Krefeld | Rabobank | Sparkasse Krefeld - .. |
| 5378 | 1046 |  | G/P | 24.01.2005 | 06.12.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | wrinkled - Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
** | 7206 | 1041 |  | P/P | 28.06.2006 | 05.05.2009 | Hasselt | Schöninghsdorf | marked bill - KBC Ba.. | Emsländische Volksb.. |
| 9599 | 1041 |  | P/P | 09.07.2004 | 16.05.2007 | Emmen | Tienen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 7939 | 1041 |  | P/X | 09.08.2004 | 16.06.2007 | Dalfsen | Tienen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Tienen-C.. |
| 8641 | 1040 |  | G/P | 21.12.2004 | 27.10.2007 | Emmen | Alken | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 4215 | 1040 |  | P/X | 03.02.2005 | 10.12.2007 | Emmercompascuum | Oberhausen | Rabobank | SEB Bank |
| 3423 | 1039 |  | G/P | 19.12.2004 | 25.10.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 4247 | 1039 |  | P/X | 24.07.2004 | 29.05.2007 | Hasselt | Klazienaveen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 3047 | 1039 |  | P/X | 22.06.2006 | 27.04.2009 | Lummen | Emmen | KBC Bank | Rabobank |
| 9134 | 1036 |  | G/P | 05.01.2005 | 08.11.2007 | Schoonebeek | Haacht | brand new bill - Rab.. | Fortis Bank |
| 2852 | 1036 |  | G/P | 03.02.2005 | 06.12.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 5455 | 1036 |  | P/X | 27.01.2005 | 29.11.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
** | 1275 | 1036 |  | G/P | 08.05.2006 | 09.03.2009 | Hasselt | Emmen | KBC Bank Hasselt-Kie.. | Super De Boer Superm.. |
| 5881 | 1034 |  | P/X | 28.03.2005 | 26.01.2008 | Beilen | Korbeek-Lo | ABN AMRO Bank | Fortis Bank |
| 2952 | 1033 |  | G/P | 19.10.2004 | 19.08.2007 | Beilen | Waltersdorf | Rabobank | A113 Esso Tankstatio.. |
| 6730 | 1032 |  | G/P | 30.12.2004 | 29.10.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
** | 2057 | 1031 |  | L/U | 19.06.2006 | 16.04.2009 | Lingen | Emmen | Oldenburgische Lande.. | Rabobank |
| 8052 | 1029 |  | G/P | 27.10.2004 | 22.08.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 4196 | 1029 |  | G/P | 13.12.2004 | 08.10.2007 | Coevorden | Werchter | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
** | 2553 | 1029 |  | P/P | 30.05.2006 | 24.03.2009 | Hasselt | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 4510 | 1028 |  | G/P | 24.01.2005 | 18.11.2007 | Emmen | Grimbergen | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 2428 | 1026 |  | G/P | 24.09.2004 | 18.07.2007 | Hoorn | Heverlee | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Haasrode.. |
** | 9556 | 1025 |  | L/U | 30.04.2006 | 19.02.2009 | Paal | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 1193 | 1025 |  | P/X | 29.04.2005 | 19.02.2008 | Meschede | Aachen | Volksbank Sauerland | Sparkasse Aachen-Hau.. |
| 4865 | 1024 |  | P/X | 06.01.2005 | 27.10.2007 | Emmen | Alken | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 6780 | 1023 |  | P/P | 17.08.2004 | 06.06.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 5539 | 1022 |  | G/P | 14.01.2005 | 02.11.2007 | Beilen | Kapelle-op-den-Bos | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 7758 | 1022 |  | G/P | 31.08.2004 | 20.06.2007 | Emmen | Diest | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 7814 | 1022 |  | G/P | 23.03.2006 | 09.01.2009 | Schaffen | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Boni Supermarkt |
| 7733 | 1021 |  | P/X | 12.10.2004 | 30.07.2007 | Emmen | Klazienaveen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 4715 | 1018 |  | L/U | 15.07.2006 | 29.04.2009 | Nieuwerkerken | Twist | Pollet Tankstation | Emsländische Volksb.. |
* | 6869 | 1014 |  | G/P | 30.09.2005 | 11.07.2008 | Maastricht | Füssen | Texaco Tankstation | Sparkasse Allgäu - .. |
** | 8922 | 1012 |  | P/P | 15.06.2006 | 24.03.2009 | Paal | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
| 5256 | 1011 |  | G/P | 17.01.2005 | 25.10.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | Plusmarkt Sandur Sup.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 4196 | 1011 |  | P/X | 21.09.2004 | 30.06.2007 | Coevorden | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-C.. |
| 9738 | 1009 |  | G/P | 05.01.2005 | 11.10.2007 | Beilen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 3189 | 1009 |  | G/P | 13.09.2004 | 20.06.2007 | Emmen | Averbode | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
* | 3655 | 1009 |  | G/P | 18.03.2006 | 22.12.2008 | Maastricht | Emmen | Rabobank | Rabobank |
** | 7249 | 1008 |  | G/P | 23.07.2006 | 27.04.2009 | Prüm | Emmen | Volksbank Eifel Mitt.. | Rabobank |
| 3431 | 1006 |  | P/P | 07.01.2005 | 11.10.2007 | Emmen | Leuven | brand new bill - unc.. | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
| 5931 | 1006 |  | P/X | 02.02.2005 | 06.11.2007 | Nieuw amsterdam | Rotselaar | Rabobank | ING Bank |
| 9618 | 1005 |  | G/P | 17.11.2004 | 19.08.2007 | Beilen | Berlin | Rabobank | Berliner Volksbank -.. |
| 4889 | 1005 |  | G/P | 25.01.2005 | 27.10.2007 | Beilen | Hasselt | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 1507 | 1005 |  | P/X | 16.08.2004 | 18.05.2007 | Emmen | Aachen | Rabobank | Sparkasse Aachen-The.. |
| 4778 | 1004 |  | F/N | 26.05.2005 | 25.02.2008 | Schoonebeek | Kampenhout | Andrea - Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 5907 | 1004 |  | G/P | 26.11.2004 | 27.08.2007 | Nieuw amsterdam | Roosendaal | Rabobank | Kiosk op NS Station .. |
| 4393 | 1003 |  | G/P | 25.10.2004 | 26.07.2007 | Beilen | Hasselt | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Hasselt-.. |
| 3369 | 1003 |  | P/X | 14.12.2004 | 14.09.2007 | Odoorn | Kumtich | Rabobank | Fortis Bank |
| 9761 | 1002 |  | G/P | 09.08.2004 | 09.05.2007 | Dalfsen | Leuven | Rabobank | Fortis Bank Leuven-U.. |
** | 1236 | 1002 |  | G/P | 01.06.2006 | 28.02.2009 | Lanaken | Emmen | Dexia Bank | Action Discount Shop.. |
* | 4041 | 1002 |  | P/X | 23.01.2006 | 21.10.2008 | Velden | Zwolle | A67 Esso Tankstation.. | Parkeren Lego World .. |
** | 1799 | 1001 |  | P/X | 15.06.2006 | 13.03.2009 | Paal | Emmen | Fortis Bank | Rabobank |
Limit: more than 999 days (for notes apart: less than 10000).
Highly theoretical bundles ("family meeting" statistics part II)
Based on the assumption that the third and second last digit of the first note of a bundle is "00" and of the last note "99". However, this holds true only in some of the actual physical bundles, eg. E/L and P/P fivers, and even then there are exceptions, hence the "highly theoretical".
D/L |
Bundles | Notes | % |
52 | 1 | 100,0 |
~52 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/52)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
50 | 1 | 100,0 |
~50 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/50)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
25 | 1 | 100,0 |
~25 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/25)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
6 | 1 | 100,0 |
~6 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/6)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 2 | 13,3 |
13 | 1 | 86,7 |
~14 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 6,7% ((1/15)*100) |
E/H |
Bundles | Notes | % |
7 | 1 | 100,0 |
~7 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/7)*100) |
E/L |
Bundles | Notes | % |
12 | 100 | 12,6 |
1 | 76 | 0,8 |
1 | 75 | 0,8 |
1 | 58 | 0,6 |
1 | 51 | 0,5 |
4 | 50 | 2,1 |
1 | 49 | 0,5 |
2 | 43 | 0,9 |
1 | 35 | 0,4 |
1 | 26 | 0,3 |
3 | 25 | 0,8 |
1 | 24 | 0,3 |
3 | 20 | 0,6 |
1 | 19 | 0,2 |
2 | 18 | 0,4 |
1 | 17 | 0,2 |
2 | 16 | 0,3 |
1 | 15 | 0,2 |
1 | 13 | 0,1 |
1 | 12 | 0,1 |
3 | 11 | 0,3 |
3 | 8 | 0,3 |
1 | 7 | 0,1 |
2 | 5 | 0,1 |
8 | 4 | 0,3 |
11 | 3 | 0,3 |
181 | 2 | 3,8 |
6870 | 1 | 72,1 |
~7120 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 25,3% ((2410/9530)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
90 | 1 | 100,0 |
~90 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/90)*100) |
E/P |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 83 | 6,0 |
1 | 78 | 5,6 |
1 | 68 | 4,9 |
1 | 66 | 4,8 |
1 | 60 | 4,3 |
1 | 50 | 3,6 |
1 | 47 | 3,4 |
2 | 41 | 5,9 |
3 | 40 | 8,7 |
1 | 39 | 2,8 |
1 | 33 | 2,4 |
3 | 30 | 6,5 |
1 | 29 | 2,1 |
2 | 27 | 3,9 |
2 | 26 | 3,8 |
1 | 24 | 1,7 |
1 | 22 | 1,6 |
1 | 20 | 1,4 |
1 | 18 | 1,3 |
1 | 14 | 1,0 |
1 | 12 | 0,9 |
3 | 11 | 2,4 |
2 | 10 | 1,4 |
1 | 9 | 0,7 |
2 | 7 | 1,0 |
1 | 6 | 0,4 |
1 | 5 | 0,4 |
1 | 4 | 0,3 |
2 | 3 | 0,4 |
6 | 2 | 0,9 |
213 | 1 | 15,4 |
~260 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 81,2% ((1123/1383)*100) |
E/U |
Bundles | Notes | % |
49 | 1 | 100,0 |
~49 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/49)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
5 | 1 | 100,0 |
~5 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/5)*100) |
F/N |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 22 | 0,5 |
1 | 17 | 0,4 |
1 | 4 | 0,1 |
1 | 3 | 0,1 |
9 | 2 | 0,4 |
4646 | 1 | 98,6 |
~4659 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 1,1% ((51/4710)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 3 | 0,2 |
1 | 2 | 0,1 |
1547 | 1 | 99,7 |
~1549 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,2% ((3/1552)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
61 | 1 | 100,0 |
~61 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/61)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
6 | 1 | 100,0 |
~6 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/6)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 2 | 6,1 |
31 | 1 | 93,9 |
~32 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 3,0% ((1/33)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 1 | 100,0 |
~1 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/1)*100) |
F/P |
Bundles | Notes | % |
52 | 1 | 100,0 |
~52 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/52)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
2 | 1 | 100,0 |
~2 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/2)*100) |
F/S |
F/T |
F/Y |
Bundles | Notes | % |
20 | 1 | 100,0 |
~20 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/20)*100) |
G/L |
G/N |
G/P |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 21 | 0,3 |
1 | 19 | 0,3 |
1 | 7 | 0,1 |
3 | 3 | 0,1 |
29 | 2 | 0,9 |
6451 | 1 | 98,3 |
~6486 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 1,2% ((79/6565)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 40 | 1,2 |
3 | 25 | 2,2 |
1 | 15 | 0,4 |
1 | 12 | 0,4 |
2 | 11 | 0,7 |
4 | 10 | 1,2 |
3 | 8 | 0,7 |
1 | 7 | 0,2 |
1 | 6 | 0,2 |
2 | 5 | 0,3 |
6 | 4 | 0,7 |
5 | 3 | 0,4 |
12 | 2 | 0,7 |
3056 | 1 | 90,7 |
~3098 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 8,1% ((272/3370)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 6 | 1,1 |
1 | 4 | 0,7 |
1 | 3 | 0,5 |
3 | 2 | 1,1 |
550 | 1 | 96,7 |
~556 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 2,3% ((13/569)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 9 | 1,4 |
2 | 3 | 0,9 |
6 | 2 | 1,9 |
614 | 1 | 95,8 |
~623 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 2,8% ((18/641)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
25 | 1 | 100,0 |
~25 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/25)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
5 | 1 | 100,0 |
~5 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/5)*100) |
G/V |
Bundles | Notes | % |
41 | 1 | 100,0 |
~41 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/41)*100) |
G/Y |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 1 | 100,0 |
~1 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/1)*100) |
H/L |
Bundles | Notes | % |
5 | 1 | 100,0 |
~5 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/5)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 5 | 17,9 |
23 | 1 | 82,1 |
~24 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 14,3% ((4/28)*100) |
H/M |
Bundles | Notes | % |
40 | 1 | 100,0 |
~40 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/40)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
8 | 1 | 100,0 |
~8 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/8)*100) |
H/P |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 4 | 6,3 |
59 | 1 | 93,7 |
~60 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 4,8% ((3/63)*100) |
H/T |
Bundles | Notes | % |
22 | 1 | 100,0 |
~22 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/22)*100) |
J/S |
Bundles | Notes | % |
608 | 1 | 100,0 |
~608 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/608)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
186 | 1 | 100,0 |
~186 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/186)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
2 | 11 | 1,0 |
1 | 10 | 0,4 |
1 | 6 | 0,3 |
2 | 4 | 0,3 |
4 | 3 | 0,5 |
15 | 2 | 1,3 |
2202 | 1 | 96,2 |
~2227 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 2,8% ((63/2290)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
188 | 1 | 100,0 |
~188 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/188)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 5 | 6,0 |
2 | 2 | 4,8 |
74 | 1 | 89,2 |
~77 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 7,2% ((6/83)*100) |
K/T |
Bundles | Notes | % |
2 | 2 | 1,4 |
289 | 1 | 98,6 |
~291 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,7% ((2/293)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 2 | 0,3 |
713 | 1 | 99,7 |
~714 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,1% ((1/715)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
19 | 1 | 100,0 |
~19 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/19)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
10 | 1 | 100,0 |
~10 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/10)*100) |
L/U |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 34 | 0,3 |
1 | 26 | 0,2 |
1 | 20 | 0,2 |
1 | 19 | 0,2 |
1 | 18 | 0,2 |
1 | 16 | 0,2 |
1 | 15 | 0,1 |
1 | 14 | 0,1 |
1 | 10 | 0,1 |
2 | 9 | 0,2 |
1 | 7 | 0,1 |
1 | 6 | 0,1 |
1 | 5 | 0,0 |
14 | 2 | 0,3 |
10416 | 1 | 97,8 |
~10444 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 2,0% ((208/10652)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 4 | 0,2 |
5 | 2 | 0,5 |
2170 | 1 | 99,4 |
~2176 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,4% ((8/2184)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 2 | 0,1 |
1706 | 1 | 99,9 |
~1707 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,1% ((1/1708)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
38 | 1 | 100,0 |
~38 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/38)*100) |
M/V |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 99 | 0,8 |
1 | 98 | 0,8 |
1 | 96 | 0,8 |
1 | 91 | 0,8 |
3 | 85 | 2,1 |
1 | 83 | 0,7 |
1 | 76 | 0,6 |
1 | 71 | 0,6 |
1 | 65 | 0,5 |
2 | 63 | 1,0 |
2 | 60 | 1,0 |
1 | 57 | 0,5 |
1 | 55 | 0,5 |
1 | 53 | 0,4 |
1 | 51 | 0,4 |
3 | 50 | 1,2 |
3 | 49 | 1,2 |
1 | 48 | 0,4 |
1 | 46 | 0,4 |
1 | 45 | 0,4 |
1 | 43 | 0,4 |
2 | 40 | 0,7 |
1 | 37 | 0,3 |
2 | 34 | 0,6 |
2 | 31 | 0,5 |
1 | 29 | 0,2 |
1 | 26 | 0,2 |
1 | 25 | 0,2 |
2 | 24 | 0,4 |
2 | 21 | 0,3 |
1 | 20 | 0,2 |
2 | 19 | 0,3 |
1 | 17 | 0,1 |
1 | 16 | 0,1 |
3 | 15 | 0,4 |
1 | 14 | 0,1 |
3 | 12 | 0,3 |
1 | 11 | 0,1 |
2 | 9 | 0,1 |
2 | 8 | 0,1 |
3 | 6 | 0,1 |
5 | 5 | 0,2 |
4 | 4 | 0,1 |
14 | 3 | 0,3 |
107 | 2 | 1,8 |
9235 | 1 | 76,5 |
~9428 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 21,9% ((2645/12073)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
99 | 1 | 100,0 |
~99 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/99)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 25 | 1,1 |
1 | 15 | 0,7 |
1 | 12 | 0,5 |
1 | 11 | 0,5 |
3 | 10 | 1,4 |
1 | 9 | 0,4 |
1 | 6 | 0,3 |
2 | 5 | 0,5 |
7 | 4 | 1,3 |
5 | 3 | 0,7 |
29 | 2 | 2,6 |
1981 | 1 | 90,0 |
~2033 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 7,6% ((167/2200)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
188 | 1 | 100,0 |
~188 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/188)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
3 | 1 | 100,0 |
~3 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/3)*100) |
N/Y |
Bundles | Notes | % |
45 | 1 | 100,0 |
~45 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/45)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
715 | 1 | 100,0 |
~715 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/715)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
32 | 1 | 100,0 |
~32 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/32)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
3 | 1 | 100,0 |
~3 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/3)*100) |
P/L |
Bundles | Notes | % |
9 | 1 | 100,0 |
~9 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/9)*100) |
P/M |
P/P |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 52 | 2,2 |
2 | 40 | 3,4 |
1 | 32 | 1,4 |
2 | 22 | 1,9 |
1 | 18 | 0,8 |
1 | 14 | 0,6 |
1 | 8 | 0,3 |
1 | 7 | 0,3 |
1 | 4 | 0,2 |
12 | 2 | 1,0 |
2039 | 1 | 87,8 |
~2062 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 11,2% ((260/2322)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 2 | 0,3 |
611 | 1 | 99,7 |
~612 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,2% ((1/613)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
8 | 1 | 100,0 |
~8 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/8)*100) |
P/U |
Bundles | Notes | % |
12 | 1 | 100,0 |
~12 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/12)*100) |
P/V |
Bundles | Notes | % |
9 | 1 | 100,0 |
~9 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/9)*100) |
P/X |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 4 | 0,0 |
2 | 3 | 0,1 |
8 | 2 | 0,1 |
11069 | 1 | 99,8 |
~11080 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,1% ((15/11095)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 77 | 0,9 |
1 | 53 | 0,6 |
2 | 50 | 1,2 |
1 | 44 | 0,5 |
1 | 37 | 0,4 |
1 | 31 | 0,4 |
1 | 30 | 0,4 |
1 | 27 | 0,3 |
6 | 25 | 1,8 |
1 | 24 | 0,3 |
2 | 23 | 0,5 |
2 | 22 | 0,5 |
3 | 20 | 0,7 |
1 | 19 | 0,2 |
1 | 17 | 0,2 |
2 | 16 | 0,4 |
1 | 14 | 0,2 |
1 | 13 | 0,2 |
1 | 11 | 0,1 |
5 | 10 | 0,6 |
1 | 9 | 0,1 |
2 | 8 | 0,2 |
4 | 7 | 0,3 |
4 | 6 | 0,3 |
8 | 5 | 0,5 |
3 | 4 | 0,1 |
2 | 3 | 0,1 |
31 | 2 | 0,7 |
7457 | 1 | 87,4 |
~7547 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 11,6% ((986/8533)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
3 | 2 | 0,4 |
1522 | 1 | 99,6 |
~1525 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,2% ((3/1528)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 2 | 0,6 |
336 | 1 | 99,4 |
~337 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,3% ((1/338)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
71 | 1 | 100,0 |
~71 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/71)*100) |
P/Y |
Bundles | Notes | % |
81 | 1 | 100,0 |
~81 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/81)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 1 | 100,0 |
~1 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/1)*100) |
R/P |
Bundles | Notes | % |
32 | 1 | 100,0 |
~32 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/32)*100) |
R/X |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 100 | 1,0 |
1 | 91 | 1,0 |
3 | 87 | 2,7 |
2 | 78 | 1,6 |
1 | 77 | 0,8 |
1 | 76 | 0,8 |
3 | 75 | 2,4 |
1 | 74 | 0,8 |
1 | 71 | 0,7 |
2 | 70 | 1,5 |
2 | 68 | 1,4 |
1 | 65 | 0,7 |
1 | 64 | 0,7 |
2 | 62 | 1,3 |
1 | 60 | 0,6 |
1 | 56 | 0,6 |
1 | 55 | 0,6 |
1 | 52 | 0,5 |
1 | 51 | 0,5 |
1 | 50 | 0,5 |
1 | 49 | 0,5 |
1 | 48 | 0,5 |
1 | 46 | 0,5 |
1 | 45 | 0,5 |
1 | 44 | 0,5 |
1 | 42 | 0,4 |
1 | 41 | 0,4 |
1 | 40 | 0,4 |
3 | 38 | 1,2 |
2 | 37 | 0,8 |
3 | 36 | 1,1 |
4 | 35 | 1,5 |
1 | 33 | 0,3 |
3 | 32 | 1,0 |
2 | 30 | 0,6 |
1 | 28 | 0,3 |
1 | 27 | 0,3 |
2 | 26 | 0,5 |
4 | 25 | 1,0 |
2 | 24 | 0,5 |
1 | 23 | 0,2 |
3 | 22 | 0,7 |
1 | 20 | 0,2 |
1 | 19 | 0,2 |
2 | 18 | 0,4 |
1 | 16 | 0,2 |
2 | 14 | 0,3 |
3 | 13 | 0,4 |
1 | 11 | 0,1 |
2 | 10 | 0,2 |
2 | 9 | 0,2 |
2 | 8 | 0,2 |
7 | 7 | 0,5 |
2 | 6 | 0,1 |
7 | 5 | 0,4 |
2 | 4 | 0,1 |
14 | 3 | 0,4 |
61 | 2 | 1,3 |
5761 | 1 | 60,3 |
~5939 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 37,9% ((3621/9560)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
2 | 2 | 0,1 |
4641 | 1 | 99,9 |
~4643 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((2/4645)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
484 | 1 | 100,0 |
~484 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/484)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 5 | 10,0 |
3 | 2 | 12,0 |
39 | 1 | 78,0 |
~43 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 14,0% ((7/50)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
20 | 1 | 100,0 |
~20 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/20)*100) |
R/Y |
T/U |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 1 | 100,0 |
~1 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/1)*100) |
T/V |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 1 | 100,0 |
~1 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/1)*100) |
T/Z |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 42 | 0,4 |
1 | 33 | 0,3 |
1 | 30 | 0,3 |
1 | 27 | 0,2 |
4 | 25 | 0,9 |
1 | 21 | 0,2 |
3 | 20 | 0,5 |
1 | 19 | 0,2 |
1 | 17 | 0,1 |
1 | 16 | 0,1 |
1 | 15 | 0,1 |
1 | 14 | 0,1 |
1 | 12 | 0,1 |
3 | 11 | 0,3 |
4 | 10 | 0,3 |
3 | 8 | 0,2 |
2 | 7 | 0,1 |
3 | 6 | 0,2 |
3 | 5 | 0,1 |
4 | 4 | 0,1 |
10 | 3 | 0,3 |
134 | 2 | 2,3 |
10834 | 1 | 92,6 |
~11018 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 5,8% ((680/11698)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 50 | 3,3 |
1 | 10 | 0,7 |
1 | 3 | 0,2 |
3 | 2 | 0,4 |
1435 | 1 | 95,4 |
~1441 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 4,2% ((63/1504)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 4 | 0,8 |
1 | 3 | 0,6 |
1 | 2 | 0,4 |
481 | 1 | 98,2 |
~484 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 1,2% ((6/490)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
2 | 8 | 1,6 |
1 | 7 | 0,7 |
1 | 6 | 0,6 |
6 | 4 | 2,4 |
8 | 3 | 2,4 |
17 | 2 | 3,4 |
891 | 1 | 88,9 |
~926 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 7,6% ((76/1002)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 2 | 5,9 |
32 | 1 | 94,1 |
~33 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 2,9% ((1/34)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
8 | 1 | 100,0 |
~8 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/8)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
4 | 1 | 100,0 |
~4 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/4)*100) |
U/M |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 99 | 0,6 |
1 | 86 | 0,5 |
1 | 85 | 0,5 |
1 | 84 | 0,5 |
1 | 80 | 0,5 |
1 | 79 | 0,5 |
1 | 71 | 0,4 |
2 | 67 | 0,8 |
1 | 66 | 0,4 |
3 | 65 | 1,1 |
2 | 64 | 0,7 |
1 | 60 | 0,3 |
1 | 52 | 0,3 |
1 | 51 | 0,3 |
2 | 50 | 0,6 |
1 | 49 | 0,3 |
1 | 48 | 0,3 |
1 | 45 | 0,3 |
1 | 41 | 0,2 |
1 | 40 | 0,2 |
1 | 38 | 0,2 |
4 | 36 | 0,8 |
1 | 35 | 0,2 |
1 | 34 | 0,2 |
1 | 33 | 0,2 |
4 | 32 | 0,7 |
3 | 31 | 0,5 |
1 | 29 | 0,2 |
1 | 28 | 0,2 |
2 | 27 | 0,3 |
1 | 26 | 0,2 |
7 | 25 | 1,0 |
3 | 23 | 0,4 |
1 | 22 | 0,1 |
2 | 21 | 0,2 |
2 | 20 | 0,2 |
1 | 19 | 0,1 |
2 | 18 | 0,2 |
3 | 17 | 0,3 |
4 | 16 | 0,4 |
2 | 15 | 0,2 |
1 | 13 | 0,1 |
1 | 12 | 0,1 |
2 | 10 | 0,1 |
2 | 9 | 0,1 |
4 | 8 | 0,2 |
3 | 7 | 0,1 |
1 | 6 | 0,0 |
4 | 5 | 0,1 |
7 | 4 | 0,2 |
14 | 3 | 0,2 |
259 | 2 | 3,0 |
13728 | 1 | 79,6 |
~14098 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 18,2% ((3143/17241)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
27 | 1 | 100,0 |
~27 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 0,0% ((0/27)*100) |
Bundles | Notes | % |
1 | 15 | 2,7 |
1 | 13 | 2,3 |
1 | 12 | 2,2 |
2 | 3 | 1,1 |
1 | 2 | 0,4 |
509 | 1 | 91,4 |
~515 different bundles. |
New/near notes: 7,5% ((42/557)*100) |
Generated 2009-05-20 20:57:04 (by NIG version 1.74)
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